Teller Report

Contaminations in a college in Vienna: "Shouldn't we systematically screen?"

5/10/2020, 9:33:11 PM

The deconfinement is near. While new sources of contamination have emerged in recent days, the mayor of Chauvigny, commune of Vienne where four college staff have tested positive, calls for a systematic screening of all staff working in educational establishments which will reopen from Tuesday.

The deconfinement is near. While new sources of contamination have emerged in recent days, the mayor of Chauvigny, commune of Vienne where four college staff have tested positive, calls for a systematic screening of all staff working in educational establishments which will reopen from Tuesday.


Only a few hours to go before France takes shape. As of Monday, the challenge will therefore be to break the chains of contamination as soon as new cases appear. Chains that can create sources of contamination, as in the Dordogne and recently in Vienne where four college management staff tested positive for coronavirus after a pre-school meeting.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation

Out of 71 tests, 65 have given their verdict and are negative

Following this, the mayor of the commune of Chauvigny, Gérard Herbert, had asked for tests to be carried out on all the school staff of the city, threatening to postpone the start of the school year for all the establishments. Most of the results fell on Sunday. Of the 71 tests carried out, 65 have given their verdict and are negative.

"It is very reassuring, it was a race against the clock since yesterday morning", expresses Gérard Herbert at the microphone of Europe 1. "Shouldn't we systematically screen certain reopenings of schools which make a lot of noise? Parents must be reassured! "He argues.


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Call for systematic teacher screening

The call of the councilor to systematically screen all teachers, nursery helpers and canteen staff before returning to schools, is supported by the federations of parents of pupils. In Vienna, but also at the national level. "This is what we have been demanding from the start," reacts Rodrigo Arenas, president of the Federation of Parents' Councils (FCPE).

"The best way to fight psychosis is to reassure parents, to reassure staff who will be in contact with children and who must be able to go into the field without being afraid to take care of these children", continues the union official.

In Chauvigny, the start of the school year has been postponed to May 27. If the six missing tests are also negative, the start of the nursery and primary schools can be done on Tuesday.