Teller Report

Abu Omar is unable to pay 11,000 dirhams the cost of a Caesarean delivery for his wife

5/10/2020, 10:12:51 PM

(Abu Omar) is unable to pay 11 thousand dirhams the cost of the birth of his wife, and the residency of the newborn in the nursery, as he stopped working due to the consequences of the Corona virus, and became without income, and appeals to the people of good and merciful hearts to help him pay the amount, and to obtain a birth certificate for his child ( Omar)

(Abu Omar) is unable to pay 11 thousand dirhams the cost of the birth of his wife, and the residency of the newborn in the nursery, as he stopped working due to the consequences of the Corona virus, and became without income, and appeals to the people of good and merciful hearts to help him pay the amount, and to obtain a birth certificate for his child ( Omar).

Medical reports issued by a private hospital in Ajman, of which the Emirates Today obtained a copy, showed that (Abu Omar's wife - 32 years), entered the hospital suffering from birth pain, and after examining the doctor, he asked for radiology and examinations to check on the condition of the fetus, and it turned out that The umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck, and a Caesarean section must be performed immediately to save his life.

She explained that «a caesarean section was performed, and the fetus was transferred to the central nursery to receive the necessary medical care, until his health condition stabilized, and he stayed in the nursery for three days, when the doctor decided to leave the mother and the child from the hospital, to stabilize their health status, and the hospital bill reached 14 thousand A dirham of which the father paid three thousand.

(Abu Omar) said: “God blessed me with my child (Omar), the fourth of his brothers. The joy overwhelmed us with his coming, due to our fear that we will lose him, after my wife suffered complications during his birth, and having a cesarean operation for her, despite the fact that the stages of my wife’s pregnancy were Natural, and the doctor did not tell us about any health problems ».

He added: “A month before my wife was born, I stopped working because of the current health conditions, and I became without an income source. I was saving a small amount of money, because I believed that the birth would be normal, but God forbid that my wife would experience complications during pregnancy, so I immediately transferred it to one of the Private hospitals in Ajman.

He continued, "We got to the emergency department, and the tests that were conducted for my wife showed that there is a risk to the life of the fetus, in case the birth took place naturally, because the umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck."

He explained that after his birth, his wife and the child stayed in the hospital for three days, so we had a bill of 14,000 dirhams, of which 3,000 dirhams were paid, and 11,000 remained, and this made him anxious and confused about how to manage the remaining amount, to obtain a birth certificate for the child.

(Omar Omar) said, "My family consists of five individuals, and I used to work in one of the private agencies, and given the current conditions, I stopped working, and currently I rely on the help of some family and friends."

He expressed the hope that a benefactor would lend a hand to him to pay the due bill and obtain a birth certificate for his son.

Umbilical cord wrapping

When the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck of the fetus, this prevents the oxygen-laden blood from reaching it, and this leads to the death of some brain cells, causing brain damage, and the development of the newborn with a disability such as cerebral palsy, developmental and learning disorders.

The father has stopped working due to the "Corona" repercussions .. and appeals to the people of goodness to help him.