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"For many, this is still an important symbol": is it possible in Ukraine to cancel the ban on the St. George ribbon

5/9/2020, 8:06:16 PM

A bill has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine proposing to lift the ban on wearing the St. George ribbon. The author of this initiative is Nestor Shufrich, a deputy from the Opposition Platform - For Life party. The two-color ribbon to the Order of St. George, which became one of the symbols of victory in the Great Patriotic War in the post-Soviet space, was legally banned in Ukraine in 2017. For its demonstration, violators face a fine and administrative arrest. RT sources in Ukrainian political circles note that many citizens of the republic continue to perceive the tape as a symbol of courage. At the same time, experts believe that official Kiev will continue the policy of historical revisionism.

In Ukraine, it was proposed to abolish the current ban on the wearing of the St. George ribbon. The corresponding bill on May 8 was registered in the Verkhovna Rada by the deputy from the party “Opposition Platform - For Life” Nestor Shufrich.

The document introduced by the parliamentarian is called “The draft law on invalidating the law of Ukraine“ On introducing amendments to the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses regarding the prohibition of the production and propaganda of the St. George (guards) tape ”.

Recall that the law banning the St. George ribbon entered into force in Ukraine in June 2017. According to its provisions, public use, demonstration, wearing, as well as distribution of the tape or its image are prohibited in the country.

For violation, a fine of up to 2.5 thousand hryvnias (about 6800 rubles) is provided for initially and up to 5.1 thousand hryvnias (about 14 thousand rubles) in the second case. In addition, violators may be given administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Ukrainian law enforcement agencies have the right to seize the St. George ribbon, as well as objects with its image and a characteristic color.

Andriy Parubiy, who served as the speaker of the Rada in 2016-2019, justified the need for this initiative to be taken by clashes between nationalists and citizens celebrating Victory Day in a number of Ukrainian cities.

  • Protest rally in Kiev on Victory Day, 2016
  • Reuters
  • © Gleb Garanich

In May 2019, the State Border Service of Ukraine announced that it could ban foreigners from entering for three years if they try to smuggle St. George's ribbons into the country.

Commenting on Shufrich’s latest initiative, an RT source in the Batkivshchyna party admitted that this bill could give Vladimir Zelensky’s administration an opportunity to review “ill-conceived decisions” adopted by the country's previous leadership.

“The ban on wearing the St. George ribbon was adopted by Poroshenko, who tried to integrate Ukraine into the EU, getting rid of Soviet and Russian paraphernalia. But, as we see, nothing happened. For many Ukrainians, the St. George ribbon is still an important symbol, ”the deputy noted.

In turn, an interlocutor of RT from the Golos party believes that Shufrich’s initiative has already received a certain resonance.

“An important role in Ukraine is played by the mood of the radicals, who, of course, will be against such a decision. The authorities are listening to them, therefore, most likely, this law will not be adopted. But this will not affect the mood of ordinary Ukrainians, who continue to perceive the St. George ribbon as a symbol of courage, ”said the representative of the party.

Decommunization of Victory

Recall that during the Poroshenko administration in Ukraine, a law on decommunization was also adopted, which provided for a ban on the use of Soviet symbols and condemnation of Soviet actions at the state level. As part of this initiative, many settlements and streets were renamed, monuments to Soviet statesmen and military leaders were dismantled, including commanders who commanded the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War.

Together with the so-called decommunization in Ukraine, the process of revising the history of the Second World War period was actively going on. After the 2014 coup, he was actively engaged in the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory.

  • Procession of the Immortal Regiment in Kiev, May 9, 2018
  • Reuters
  • © Gleb Garanich

Victory Day, traditionally celebrated on May 9, since 2015 in Ukraine is called Victory Day over Nazism. At the same time, the Kiev authorities actually ignore the holiday at the state level, and the main events are held on May 8 - according to the Western European model.

In February 2020, Foreign Minister Vadim Pristayko announced that Ukraine would not celebrate Victory Day on May 9.

In late April, a publication appeared on the website of the Institute of National Remembrance, which contained thesis recommendations for this holiday, in particular, the clause that no country could claim to recognize its decisive role in the victory over Nazism.

The Second World War is presented as a consequence of the "conspiracy of inhumane regimes" - Nazi Germany and the USSR. It ignores the fact that on June 22, 1941, Hitler's troops and their allies attacked the USSR, which included Ukraine.

The Institute’s recommendations also contain a clause prohibiting the demonstration of the Victory Banner (since it contains images of a sickle, a hammer and a five-pointed star), and instead of St. George’s ribbon it is recommended to wear a red poppy (this symbol is used in Western countries, mainly in the UK).

A RT source in the ruling party "Servant of the People" noted that, despite the adoption of such measures and recommendations, many citizens of Ukraine do not approve of state policy regarding the St. George ribbon and Victory Day.

“In recent years, Ukraine has been actively trying to rewrite history. Instead of May 9, the heroes of World War II were ordered to be remembered on May 8, and instead of St. George’s ribbon, they should wear poppy flowers. But all this does not give special results. Ukrainians are not a nation that will unquestioningly carry out all the initiatives of the authorities. I think that all these innovations will be abandoned sooner or later. Already, calls are being made to return the old names to the streets that were renamed during decommunization, ”said the deputy.

In turn, the director of the Kiev Center for Political Studies and Conflictology, Mikhail Pogrebinsky, believes that the Zelensky administration actually continues the policy of historical revisionism launched by Petro Poroshenko, although it does it more restrained.

“The president sometimes says one thing, after a while makes the exact opposite statement, but the state institutions themselves act in line with the five-year criminal regime of Poroshenko. In Ukraine, leaders are changing, but not politics, ”the expert stated in an interview with RT. 

From his point of view, Shufrich’s initiative to lift the ban on the St. George ribbon in the current situation is unlikely to gain the status of law.

“I doubt that this document will be adopted in the end, since the required number of votes will not be gained, although there is no legislative basis for the ban. In fact, it would be worth immediately submitting this document to the Constitutional Court, which would have been forced to repeal the existing law as violating the Constitution of Ukraine. There is a law prohibiting the use of Soviet symbols, but the St. George ribbon is still a pre-revolutionary symbol, ”said Pogrebinsky.

  • Victory Parade in Kiev, 2010
  • Reuters
  • © Konstantin Chernichkin

The similar opinion is shared by the deputy director of the Institute of the CIS countries Vladimir Zharikhin, who suggested in a conversation with RT that only the opposition party would vote for the adoption of the project.

“I support the initiative of Shufrich, I believe that he is a bold politician who puts forward such projects in the current situation in Ukraine. But I’m not sure that anyone other than the Opposition Platform - For Life will decide to support his initiative, ”the political scientist believes.