Teller Report

China doesn't like dollars, the United States just solves dollars ... Now 'Money War'

5/8/2020, 4:33:32 AM

[Friendly Economy] Friday's friendly economy, reporter Kwon Aeri. Reporter Kwon, the United States and China, who seemed to have stopped trying to stop Corona 19 for a while, are growling each other again.

[Friendly Economy] 


Friday, a friendly economy, reporter Kwon Aeri. Reporter Kwon, the United States and China, who seemed to have stopped trying to stop Corona 19 for a while, are growling each other again.


Yes. The conflict between the United States and China, which shook the world economy last year, has been turning in recent years.

It is no exaggeration to say that the 'invisible war' continues as it is often used between the two powerful nations, the world's strongest nation and the nation to catch up with.

In recent years, a room that has long been prepared for several years on the Chinese side is slowly taking shape. It is the digital yuan, the digital money of China, which has been tested in some parts of China.

Think Bitcoin. However, like Bitcoin, China will provide digital currency recognized and recommended by the country to be one-on-one with the paper money yuan so that the value does not fluctuate.

Now, the image in this smartphone that appears on the screen made the Chinese social media live in the middle of last month. This is a leak of digital yuan that Chinese central banks have tested in some areas privately.

This week, news is coming out of the country that the digital money is expected to be released, at least in part, this month.

Once through this image, it was also revealed that Samsung Pay would use an e-wallet app that pays for mobile phones.


I think it's the first time in the world that digital money comes out?


Yes. 80% of central banks worldwide, including Korea, are studying digital currency, but none of the major countries has reached the realization of China.

And if China really takes out this digital currency, it's the United States that won't stand still. Because the digital currency issued by China will be convenient if only electronic money is available, it is not a problem at this level.

Few people have different opinions that China's ultimate overtaking is ultimately to escape the dollar hegemony, to escape the US-led world economic order, and to foster the power of Chinese money.

At the end of November last year, a very famous scholar who worked at the United States at the Harvard University in the United States as a minister-level official gathered and opened a mock NSC.

I faked the White House's National Security Council, and the scenario that North Korea, which was financed by China's digital currency, was attacking the United States by making new weapons by trading goods or technology without the dollar is the subject they discussed.

Of course, it's a virtual and very extreme scenario. However, it is assumed that China's digital money surpasses the US dollar.

Now, in international trade, there is virtually nothing without dollars. Export, import can not. However, if China's digital currency and technology are accepted, accepted and traded globally, that era may end.

Then, American scholars have scenariod the crisis that the United States has blocked the dollar and pushed against economic sanctions against North Korea that could lose power and escape the control of the United States, whether in North Korea or elsewhere.


And recently, it seems that there is some mention that the United States will continue to insist on corona19 responsibility and use some economic means.


Yes. President Trump and senior officials are attacking China once again every day.

The rumors that the coronavirus was made in Wuhan's research institute are blaming China for comparing the corona incident to World War II or the 9/11 terror.

Although the global economic situation is difficult, we have already declared that we will not reduce any of the things we have agreed to receive from China after a temporary truce with China.

In the meantime, some US media also reported that China was considering a plan that the United States would not give back money for buying US Treasury bonds.

The White House even dismissed the US credit for not doing it. The atmosphere that the US-China economic conflict can promptly in any way is read.

China has the world's second largest U.S. Treasuries. I want to secure the dollar. But China doesn't like that dependence on the dollar.

If not, the dollar is being cut while buying gold. In the meantime, plans to issue digital currency will appear. On the other hand, the United States is unraveling huge dollars to escape the economic crisis.

As it is the United States, you can do that much, but how long will the US dollar continue to have the same authority in the long run like this, and it will be really annoying for the United States to materialize China's digital currency in the midst of crowds of people.

As with Corona 19, there is a possibility that the conflict between the United States and China will have to pay attention to this year, or more than last year.        

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