Teller Report

Trump soldiers are also 'positive' ... U.S., Great Depression Unemployment

5/7/2020, 11:00:31 PM

In the United States, an emergency occurred when a soldier closely following President Trump received a corona positive decision. Corona19's unemployment in the United States has grown to the level of the Great Depression in 1930.

<Anchor> In the

United States, a soldier who closely followed President Trump was judged to be corona-positive, and there was an emergency. Corona19's unemployment in the United States has grown to the level of the Great Depression in 1930.

In Washington, Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung reports.


The massive unemployment in the United States has been running for seven consecutive weeks.

The U.S. Department of Labor said last week that there were 3169,000 unemployment claims.

As a result, 35 million people have claimed unemployment benefits since the third week of March, when the unemployment began.

[Cristine Romans / CNN reporter: This unemployment was what I saw in the Great Depression of the 1930s.] As

economic activity desperately, 43 states are expected to resume economic activity this weekend.

Corona 19 has been confirmed to have been infected by a Navy dispatcher who is currently conducting President Trump at the White House.

Both President Trump and Vice President Fence were also tested, but negative.

[Trump / President of the United States: Vice President Fence rarely touched him. Both Vice President Fence and I have been tested, and a negative judgment has been

issued .] The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, was planning to publish specific guidelines for resuming economic activity, but the White House did not approve, the foreign media reported.

Critics have also been criticized for encouraging economic activity, but if there are side effects of blocking the distribution of specific guidelines, it is a measure to shift responsibility to the state.