Teller Report

Police Ombudsman Founder Charged

5/7/2020, 8:18:20 PM

The investigation has charged the founder of the project “Police Ombudsman” Vladimir Vorontsov with extortion and is going to ask the court to arrest him. This was announced by the head of the Office of Information and Public Relations of the capital GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Vasenin.

According to him, the detainee was charged under Part 2 of Art. 163 of the Criminal Code "Extortion of a group of persons by prior conspiracy" "in the alleged act", reports TASS.

“The investigation plans to appeal to the court for a preventive measure in the form of detention,” he said.

Vasenin said earlier that Vorontsov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of extortion. 

As the lawyer Sergei Badamshin noted, Vorontsova was interrogated in the case of extortion of 300 thousand rubles from a former Interior Ministry official; he does not admit guilt.

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