Teller Report

WHO Director-General: An average of 80,000 new cases of new pneumonia every day

5/6/2020, 9:15:08 PM

  On 6th local time, WHO held a regular press conference on new coronary pneumonia. WHO Director-General Tan Desai said that since the beginning of April, WHO has received an average of about 80,000 new cases every day. This is not just It ’s a number, and behind each case is a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, or friend. Although the number of new cases reported in Western Europe is decreasing, Eastern Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Americas report more new cases every day, and each country and region needs a tailored method.

  Tan Desai said that the new coronary pneumonia pandemic severely damaged basic health services, and WHO has issued a national guide on how to maintain community health care in the context of new coronary pneumonia. Tan Desai also emphasized that the crisis will exacerbate existing inequalities, as evidenced by the higher hospitalization and mortality rates of certain populations in many countries. This problem must be solved now, and in the long run, diagnosis and care should be given priority to those at highest risk.

  Tan Desai pointed out that countries should lift the blockade in stages, and a strong health system is the foundation of economic recovery. The annual global expenditure on the health system is about 7.5 trillion US dollars, accounting for almost 10% of global GDP, and the best investment is to promote people's health and prevent diseases at the basic health care level, which can save lives and save money.

  Tan Desai said that the new coronary pneumonia pandemic will eventually subside, but it can no longer be the same as in the past. While dealing with the new coronary pneumonia pandemic, we must work harder to prepare for the next pandemic. Now is an opportunity to lay the foundation for the recovery of health systems around the world, including preparation, prevention, and response to emerging pathogens. If we can learn anything from New Coronary Pneumonia, it must be an investment for health now that will save lives in the future. History will judge us not only on whether we can survive the new coronary pneumonia pandemic, but also on the experience we have learned and the actions taken after the pandemic ended. Antidote is national and global unity, and we will defeat New Coronary Pneumonia together. (Reporter Zhu He)

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