Teller Report

Video .. "Messi India" score a free kick in the way of the Argentine star

5/6/2020, 6:51:02 PM

Video footage of a young Indian player with distinguished football skills had great interaction on social media in recent hours, inside and outside India. The Hindustan Times said that the 12-year-old boy, who is from Indian Kerala, scored a free kick from a distance Far away, and

Video footage of a young Indian player with distinguished football skills has had great interaction on social media in recent hours, inside and outside India.

The "Hindustan Times" newspaper said that the 12-year-old boy, who is from Indian Kerala, scored a free kick from a distance, and shot the ball very carefully on the ninety corner of the goal, and through a circle suspended on the goal, and the ball passed through it.

She said that "Messi India" is very impressed with the Argentine star, as he appeared in the video in the shirt of the Argentine national team, and the number "10" of Lionel Messi.

It is noteworthy that "Al-Barghout" scored 52 free kicks in his career, out of 697 goals in his busy career.

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