Teller Report

Non-graduation grades of junior and senior high schools in Guizhou Province have been resumed

5/6/2020, 1:00:02 PM

On May 6, a teacher took a secondary temperature measurement of the students. On the same day, in the 16th middle school of Zunyi City, Huichuan District, Zunyi, Guizhou, the first and second grade students started. On the first day of school, the school arranged for teachers to give students a lecture on the prevention and control of new coronary pneumonia. Recently, non-graduation grades of junior and senior high schools in Guizhou, Zunyi, Tongren and other nine cities and prefectures in Guizhou Province have started to resume classes. China News Agency reporter Qu Honglun photo

Release time: 2020-05-06 10:24:40 [Editor: Li Jun]