Teller Report

From Thames to Lindblom… American 'KBO Commentary' surprise debut

5/6/2020, 12:51:59 PM

Korean professional baseball is broadcast in the US's largest sports channel, ESPN, and is receiving explosive interest. As foreign players from the KBO League participate as commentators, it is acting as a 'public ambassador'. Reporter Yoo Byung-min.


Korean professional baseball broadcasts on ESPN, the largest sports channel in the United States, and is receiving explosive interest. Foreign players from KBO League are participating as commentators and acting as 'public ambassadors'.

Reporter Yoo Byung-min.


Lindblom from Doosan has been a guest commentator at the Jamsil Rival, which is currently being broadcast by ESPN.

[Josh Lindbloom / Milwaukee Brewers: Doosan and LG's rivalry is like the Yankees and Boston. Each match meets, fans of both teams fill half of the ballpark.]

Lindblom, now a member of Milwaukee, is confident in his own commentary based on his five-year experience in Korea.

[Josh Lindbloom / Milwaukee Brewers: I was watching ESPN at home yesterday and was so thrilled as an experienced KBO League player. It was good to see Yang Ji-ji, Kang Min-ho, and other friendly faces.]

Yesterday, NC-based Eric Thames participated in the commentary

. Many Korean players throw a bat with both hands.]

Foreign players from KBO League are acting as ambassadors.

Former US Ambassador Ripper, a famous Korean baseball fan, sent a support message via social media.

[Mark Ripper / Former Ambassador to Korea: I am the honorary ambassador of the KBO League. It is a title that will never give up. GO KBO! GO Bears!]

Major baseball star Muki Betz, who became a hot topic by showing the opening celebration video in Korean, is planning to release additional videos, while Korean baseball is at the center of the topic in the United States, the country where baseball is played.

(Video editing: M Sun)