Teller Report

English club doctors are reservations about the procedures before the league resumption

5/6/2020, 12:54:02 PM

Four doctors from the English Premier League clubs expressed reservations about the health measures that will be followed, hoping to resume activity suspended due to the new Corona virus, according to press reports today.

Four doctors from the English Premier League clubs expressed reservations about the health procedures that will be followed, hoping to resume activity stopped due to the emerging Corona virus, according to press reports today.

This comes days before a pivotal meeting will be held by local football officials on Monday, to discuss the possibility of resuming the championship matches, which is hoped to take place in early June.

The League League had sent to the twenty clubs in the Premier League, the healthy protocol that must be followed for re-training, requesting club doctors to make observations on it.

The British "Sky Sports" network revealed that the four doctors expressed their concern. Doctor Marc Gillett, the Premier League health adviser, laid out the protocol after consulting other European associations, including Spain and Germany, and his most prominent points were to subject players to "Covid-19" checks twice a week. The four doctors responded with a series of questions and possible problems.

In a message that included 10 headlines, they expressed their concern about points that were not touched, the most prominent of which are: approval of guidelines that still carry the risk of death, on who is responsible for insurance and subjecting the players, members of the technical staff and their families, the possibility of transmission of the epidemic infection from sweating and gloves Goalkeepers, suspicions that some clubs disregard these directives, and the ability of emergency teams to be present on various fields.

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