Teller Report

Éric Tolédano "welcomes" measures for culture, "but we don't have all the solutions"

5/6/2020, 4:54:20 PM

A few hours after Emmanuel Macron's announcements for the world of culture, director and screenwriter Éric Tolédano says "rejoices" at the microphone of Europe 1. But he also recalls that all the solutions were not found "in one morning". & nbsp; & nbsp;

A few hours after Emmanuel Macron's announcements for the world of culture, the director and screenwriter Éric Tolédano says he is "delighted" at the microphone of Europe 1. But he also recalls that all the solutions have not been found "in one morning".  


Compensation fund for canceled shoots, maintenance of the rights of intermittent workers in the show until "August 2021" ... After a videoconference with a dozen personalities from the world of culture, including Éric Tolédano, Emmanuel Macron delivered this Wednesday its measures so that this sector can better cross the course of the coronavirus crisis. "Long-awaited answers" which the director and screenwriter is "delighted", while pointing out that "all the solutions were not found in one morning". 

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"I think it is necessary that the state plays its role, and that the world of culture can start again," he said at the microphone of the "Big Evening Newspaper" of Europe 1 Wednesday. Pointing to "strange paradoxes in this period of confinement, where the French spend a lot of time in front of platforms" like Netflix, Éric Tolédano and the other representatives of the cultural world asked that these latter participate in the financing of French cinema.  

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