Teller Report

Rugby Japan National Team "Victory Road" Yale New Corona

5/5/2020, 11:03:25 AM

[NHK] Players from Japan rugby team also participated in an attempt to send ale to medical staff who are on the front lines in response to the spread of the new coronavirus ...

Japan Rugby National Team "Victory Road" Yale New Corona May 5 19:59

A video of singing Victory Road, which shares the joy of victory, was posted on the Internet with the participation of players from Japan Rugby in order to send ale to medical personnel who are at the forefront of the spread of new coronavirus infection It was.

This was done by the project "Scrum Unison," in which Toshiro Hirose, who also served as the captain of the former Japan representative of rugby, participated.

"Victory Road" is a lyrics that expresses the history of the Japanese national team by changing the lyrics of "Country Road", which is the theme song of the animated movie "Mimi no Sumaseba". It was sung when the representative won and received great attention.

In addition to Mr. Hirose, 11 people including Japanese representative Shota Horie and Ryohei Yamanaka participated in the video, and the appearance of singing "Victory Road" from each place was posted.

Based on the fact that 5th is Children's Day, the project Twitter said, "Thanks to the medical staff and let's support the protagonists and children together again today." A message was attached.