Teller Report

Father and son against the coronavirus: This is the Ordovás, the Spanish saga that fights against Covid-19

5/5/2020, 7:57:16 PM

The coffee is not over yet when the first beep arrives at the WhatsApp of José María Ordovás. Across the line is his son José Manuel, also a researcher, who sends him a




Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 4:04 PM

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The coffee is not over yet when the first beep arrives at the WhatsApp of José María Ordovás. On the other side of the line is his son José Manuel, also a researcher, who sends him a few news that have caught his attention. It is a traditional 'good morning' between father and son, who have not seen each other for almost two months despite the fact that a few kilometers separate their houses in Boston (USA). In addition to family matters, in these early morning messages the protagonist is usually the Covid-19. "Us

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