Teller Report

Pablo Casado: "Today we cannot support the state of alarm"

5/4/2020, 7:26:56 AM

"The extended state of alarm does not make any sense. Today we believe that we cannot support the state of alarm." Pablo Casado has assured today that his party is in

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"The extended state of alarm does not make any sense. Today we believe that we cannot support the state of alarm." Pablo Casado has assured today that his party is against the extension of the state of alarm and has hinted that he will not support it, although he did not mean that this is his "definitive" position.

"It seems little compatible", has said in Onda Cero, "that it says that you can take a vermouth" and, at the same time, there are "measures to restrict freedom." The state of alarm, in his opinion, made sense when the ICUs were going to collapse. "The limitations of mobility can be done" with other laws, has affected.

In this way, Casado has hinted that, although the state of alarm has been "necessary", he now prefers that the Government apply the Organic Law on Special Measures in the Field of Public Health, of 1986, or the General Law of Public health. But he has said again that "out of respect" for Pedro Sánchez, "I will not announce our final position until he transmits to us what his position is." But he has made it clear again that "this one-sidedness to be so incompetent cannot seek complicity in the opposition."

For Casado, it is normal that the state of alarm does not go beyond 60 days, and that it is not used for other purposes, such as placing Pablo Iglesias "in the CNI" or "discretionary limiting the freedom of the Spanish, to these heights ", in which sanitary he sees no reason. "We need certainty and a government that respects the Spanish and does not allow itself to be blackmailed by its government partners and tries to blackmail the Spanish."

Furthermore, the opposition leader has advocated opening up the main economic sectors more. "The Prime Minister has lost respect for the Spanish," trying to get a sort of "Stockholm syndrome" for which they should thank him for leaving for an hour. "And to the democratic representatives, pretending to make us hostages" in Congress, he stressed.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Pablo Casado
  • Lockdown
  • Lack of confidence
  • State of alarm
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • PP
  • Descaled
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Pedro Sánchez

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