Teller Report

44% of 18-30 year olds think the post-Covid-19 era will be worse than before

5/4/2020, 3:23:27 PM

"20 Minutes" has partnered with OpinionWay and HEYME to set up a weekly barometer of morale for young people aged 18 to 30 during confinement

76% of young people aged 18 to 30 believe that post-Covid-19 society will be marked by more social inequalities. - 20 Minutes / Canva

  • 44% of 18-30 year olds think that post-Covid-19 society will be worse than before, according to the latest “#MeYoung, confined and tomorrow? ", HEYME - 20 Minutes - OpinionWay.
  • They anticipate a world marked by mistrust vis-à-vis institutions, less freedom, more social inequalities, the progressive forgetting of the "invisible", and the priority of the economy over the human.
  • Faced with the dark days that await us, they continue to favor the defense of the environment, because doing nothing would have worse consequences than the Covid-19.

After seven weeks of confinement, the morale of young people aged 18 to 30 continues to deteriorate. They are 45% to declare that it fell again last week, according to the latest barometer "#MeYoung, confined and tomorrow? ", HEYME - 20 Minutes - OpinionWay *.

And a few days before deconfinement, when we are going to have to "learn to live with the virus" and that a serious economic crisis is brewing, young people glimpse the future with pessimism. 44% of them think that the French company post-Covid-19 will be worse than before.

When asked about what will dominate after the crisis, 86% of 18-30 year olds cite distrust of institutions, 76% think that order will prevail over freedom, that there will be more social inequalities and economic rules, 69% assume that priority will be given to the economy and 52% anticipate the fact that individualism will take precedence over mutual aid.

Withdrawal and forgetting the "invisible"

"In times of crisis, there is a tendency to turn inward, since we can rely less on society to ensure our well-being, analyzes Eléonore Quarré, director of studies at OpinionWay, in charge of this survey. And this, at the risk of no longer taking into account the most fragile populations. Everything that was remarkable and beautiful during this crisis will be forgotten. So 70% of young people are convinced that we will gradually forget the "invisible" ones, those whom we have thanked so much since the start of the crisis.

The only positive values ​​that emerge for the future are friendliness and sociability, which will dominate in the face of the decline in the evening for 59% of young people. "With confinement, many experienced forced isolation," continues Eléonore Quarré. They now want to physically go to others to have a good time with them. "

Protect the planet

Faced with the dark days that await us, young people continue to promote ecology. Maintaining the environmental objectives must be for 56% of them the priority of the government in the coming months, ahead of the revaluation of the salaries of the nursing staff (55%) and the relocation to France of essential products (53%).

As for the ideal society of tomorrow, it favors the environment for 49% of them, far ahead of the health of all citizens, a priority for only 19% of 18-30 year olds. "This generation is hypersensitive to environmental issues," explains Eléonore Quarré. Young people are aware that the health of all citizens is actually the end of the chain. The Covid-19 epidemic is certainly a crisis, but they are aware that doing nothing for the environment is a disaster, with even greater effects than those of Covid-19. "

Barometer “#MeYoung, Confined and tomorrow? ”, HEYME - 20 Minutes - OpinionWay, produced online from April 30 to May 3, 2020 with a representative sample of 549 young people aged 18 to 30, using the quota method.


Coronavirus: 30% of young people aged 18 to 30 experience a drop in income due to the crisis


Coronavirus: 46% of young people aged 18 to 30 fear that confinement is a risk to their mental health

  • Coronavirus
  • Deconfinement
  • Confinement
  • MeYoung
  • Society