Teller Report

Video .. America confirms the existence of "enormous evidence" that China published "Corona"

5/3/2020, 8:50:32 PM

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed "tremendous evidence" that the source of the Corona epidemic is a laboratory in Wuhan, China. He told ABC that "there is enormous evidence that this is its source", but declined to comment On the question of whether he believed that its publication was intentional.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed "tremendous evidence" that the source of the Corona epidemic is a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

He told ABC that "there is tremendous evidence indicating that this is his source", but he declined to comment on the issue of whether he believed his publication was intentional.

He added that some evidence is clearly visible, as the authorities there expelled the journalists, while the mouths that were trying to talk from within the country about the health conditions were silenced.

Pompeo said that China has a history of spreading disease infections around the world, and this is not the first time that diseases have arisen due to tests being conducted in China's laboratories.

NEW: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells @MarthaRaddatz China “did all that it could to make sure the world did learn in a timely fashion” about COVID-19.

"It was a classic communist disinformation effort," he adds and they will be held "accountable."

- ABC News (@ABC) May 3, 2020

He pointed out that the world is now witnessing this pandemic because of China, who kept an eye on the disease in its infancy and withheld information about the whole world, and even used the World Health Organization as its tool.

US President Donald Trump told a news conference that there are indications that the Covid 19 virus is from a laboratory in Wuhan.

Until now, the United States is the country most affected by the epidemic, with the death toll recorded on its soil 66,385 out of a million and 133,96 injuries. At least 175,382 people have been cured.

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