Teller Report

US connoisseur: China's play may be part of Trump's election campaign

5/3/2020, 7:38:27 PM

The statements by President Trump and Foreign Minister Pompeo about the origin of the corona center in China could be part of the electoral movement ahead of the US presidential election in November, according to an analyst.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went out, saying that there is evidence that the coronavirus outbreak may have originated in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In an interview with the broadcaster ABC's "This Week", he says that there is "substantial evidence" that the virus outbreak has come from there, but that the US intelligence services have not confirmed the case.

The play may be part of the American electoral movement. This is according to Jan Hallenberg, US expert and research leader at the Foreign Policy Institute in Stockholm.

"The Republican Party and not least the Trump administration are seriously considering making China the big enemy of the US presidential election," Jan Hallenberg told TT.

"The market fears a new trade war"

Trump's supporters are looking for something new to fight for now when the economy is in crisis, Trump is considered to be tougher against China than Democratic candidate Joe Biden. China could become an outside enemy that gathers Trump's supporters.

However, there is a growing dissatisfaction with China among the Democrats, according to Hallenberg.

"But the stock market crashed last Friday, the market fears a new trade war and bad relations with China," Hallenberg says, noting that a deteriorating world economy is also affecting the US economy.


US statements about China regarding the corona virus have elicited strong reactions from the Chinese, where the issue is very sensitive.

- The country is also on a balance sheet. President Xi Jinping is low, but the spokesmen go hard and say the allegations are pure lies, says Hallenberg.

According to WHO, the corona virus has spread from animals to humans. The origin of the outbreak has been traced to a market in Wuhan, but more precisely how it took the shot from wild animals to humans is not clear.