Teller Report

Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security: The national road traffic safety situation is generally stable and orderly

5/3/2020, 9:56:44 PM

  China News Service, May 4 (Xinhua) According to the official Weibo news of the Transportation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, on the third day of the "May Day" holiday, the weather in most parts of the country is good, the major cities and main highways in the country are generally smooth, and the roads are generally smooth. Traffic flow has declined compared to the two days before the holiday.

  Among them, from the situation of 200 monitoring points on 35 highways, the total flow from 0:00 to 14:00 on the 3rd decreased by 5.2% from yesterday and 10.2% from last year. However, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other large cities have out-of-city sections, round-the-city expressways, and the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway Shandong Section, Beijing-Tibet Expressway Beijing Section, Shankun Expressway Guangxi Section, and Jiguang Expressway Shandong Section The traffic flow on some highway sections and the surrounding roads of the scenic spot is concentrated, and the traffic on some road sections and some time periods is slow.

  The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security held a video conference on the 3rd to schedule holiday traffic security work in 17 key provinces such as Hebei, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang, and emphasized the deployment of traffic security work in the latter half of the process, requiring the national public security traffic management department to pay close attention In key areas, key roads and key periods during holiday trips, scientific organization and deployment, strengthen investment in police force, strict order management and control, strengthen unclogging and smooth flow, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the masses on holiday travel.

  As of 18:00 on the 3rd, there were no long-distance and large-scale traffic congestion on national highways and national highways, and no road traffic accidents that killed more than 5 people were reported. The national road traffic safety situation is generally stable and orderly.

  According to the forecast, from May 4th, there will be a strong precipitation process in the eastern part of southwestern China, Jianghan, and Jiangnan. There will be heavy rains in some parts of northern Jiangnan, local heavy rains, accompanied by short-term strong convective weather, northeast Some areas in the east of the region, most of North China, and north-central Shandong will also have moderate to moderate rains, and some areas along the east coast of China will have heavy fog, which will adversely affect road traffic safety.

  The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security reminds motorists that the return trips are concentrated in the last two days of the holiday. Please arrange the travel time and route in advance, understand the weather conditions, and try to avoid driving during peak hours and rainy nights at night; check and maintain the vehicle before traveling , To ensure that the cooling, braking and vehicle safety equipment are in good condition, and do not drive overspeed, overcrowded, or fatigue while driving; drive in bad weather, please use the lights correctly, increase the distance, and maintain a safe speed; in case of traffic accidents or vehicle failures , Please quickly park the vehicle sideways, immediately evacuate the person on the vehicle and call the police to prevent secondary accidents.