Teller Report

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs launches a guide for the purchase of masks during the de-escalation period

5/3/2020, 10:38:32 AM

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has released a guide this Sunday with a set of recommendations to be taken into account by the population when buying face masks in an establishment.

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The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has released this Sunday a guide with a set of recommendations to be taken into account by the population when buying face masks in an establishment during the de-escalation period, which begins this Monday, day 4 (phase 0 in most of provinces).

The department headed by Alberto Garzón wants citizens to make a "responsible and conscious" purchase of this product , to be informed of what types of masks are on the market and which one is most useful for their personal situation based on their contact with the coronavirus.

Thus, the Government, following the recommendations of the scientific community, suggests that healthy people without contact with the coronavirus make use of the hygienic mask model , always together with the recommendations for physical distancing and hygiene of the Ministry of Health.

These masks cover the mouth, nose and chin and are fitted with a headgear that can wrap around the head or be attached to the ears. They consist of one or more layers of textile material and can be reusable or single use.

Meanwhile, for those who have been infected , who have symptoms or who are positive asymptomatic, the use of surgical masks is recommended , which must have a mechanism that allows it to be snugly fastened over the nose, mouth and chin.

These masks, which are those used in clinical settings, limit the transmission of infectious agents because they are designed to filter the exhaled air, so their mission is to protect those around the wearer by avoiding viral dispersal when sneezing, coughing or talk.

And the EPI type are recommended only for people in contact with the coronavirus , as well as for vulnerable groups and always under medical prescription.

These serve to create a barrier between a potential risk and the user, filtering the inhaled air and preventing the entry of polluting particles into the body.

Depending on the degree of protection, they can be of type FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 . Filters containing against particles can also be of three types: P1, P2 and P3.

In the case of healthy children from three years of age and without contact with Covid-19 , Consumo recalls that there are hygienic masks of sizes according to age, up to 12 years of age , and requests that adults supervise the placement, use and withdrawal of these.

In any of the cases, Consumo insists that the masks are only a complement to protection and that it is essential to continue complying with the other preventive measures recommended by the health authorities.

Labeling and frequent doubts

Consumption also includes in its guide the information that the consumer should look at on the labeling of the mask. Thus, it asks to verify that it includes the CE marking , followed by four numbers, to ensure that the product complies with the legislation.

It also reports on the reference to the UNE standard that ensures compliance with a quality standard.

On the label you will also find information regarding the reuse of the masks , how many uses it allows and how many washes can be done without the product suffering.

Finally, the Consumer guide contains a series of frequent questions. The Ministry tries to tackle with them erroneous information related to the reversibility of the mask, its cleaning in the microwave, the use of homemade masks or others such as diving masks.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Masks
  • Descaled

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