Teller Report

Residents testify about the current situation of the hospital, which has a moment when it thinks it will be a medical collapse

5/3/2020, 10:41:27 PM

[NHK] NHK interview with a female trainee who is dealing with a patient suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus in an emergency room at a hospital in the Kanto region.

Resident: “There is a moment when I think it is a medical collapse.” Testimony of the current situation of a pressing hospital May 4, 7:27


In response to a patient suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus in an emergency room at a hospital in the Kanto region, a trainee woman said in an interview with NHK, "There is a moment when I think it is a medical collapse" I testified.

A trainee woman is dealing with patients who are transported by ambulance in the emergency room, but from the middle of last month patients who are suspected of being infected with the new coronavirus were refused acceptance at other hospitals and are transported. The number of cases is increasing.

The woman said, “When there are many patients with poor breathing, they come in minutes. I received a call from the ambulance crew, another phone rang before I hung up, and I heard the scream of lack of doctors and nurses. As soon as you fall into the spiral, you can't turn your hands. "

In addition, he said, "There is a moment when I think," This is medical collapse, not just before medical collapse. "

In addition, this spring, a trainee who has just graduated from university has to deal with the current situation, saying, "There are trainees who do not understand right or left and are eager to stand in front of critically ill patients. I'm in a position to be protected for a period of time, but I can't say that this situation is due to lack of manpower. "

Regarding the state of mind on the front line, the job of a medical doctor is to look at the patients who come in first-aid, but there is a risk of infection, so I work at the risk. Even one person has a fever. I'm always worried that if I fall, my hands won't turn, "he said.

However, based on the current situation of the spread of infection, he said, "I cannot refuse to accept patients and I must continue to serve as the hospital of the last fort."

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