Teller Report

Jordan: “zero” new infections in Corona for the sixth consecutive day

5/3/2020, 6:59:27 PM

The Jordanian Ministry of Health announced today, Sunday, that no new cases of the new Corona virus (Covid-19) were recorded in Jordan for the sixth consecutive day. The Jordanian Minister of Health, Saad Jaber, said that one case of a non-Jordanian driver was discovered at a border crossing, and he continued his account on Site "

The Jordanian Ministry of Health announced today, Sunday, that no new cases of the newly infected Corona virus (Covid-19) were recorded in Jordan, for the sixth consecutive day.

Jordanian Minister of Health Saad Jaber said that one case of a non-Jordanian driver was discovered at a border crossing, and he continued on his Twitter account: “Keep the commitment and follow the instructions, we are strong and we are one line hand in hand to protect our children, our parents and our homeland.”

The total number of infections in Corona in Jordan reached 461, while the number of recovery cases reached 372, and 84,593 examinations have been carried out since the beginning of the crisis.

Thank God for the sixth day in a row, no injuries were recorded inside the Kingdom.

One case of a non-Jordanian truck driver was registered at the border.

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

Keep your commitment and follow the instructions. We are strong, and we are one line, hand in hand, to protect our children, our parents, and our homeland.

- Dr. Saad Jaber Saad Jaber (@DrSaadJaber) May 3, 2020

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