Teller Report

Corona closed Danish stores hope for new opening: "Everyone stands and stomps!"

5/3/2020, 6:50:27 PM

Danish traders dream of rolling up the blinds again. With the exception of grocery stores, stores and shopping centers throughout Denmark have been closed since March 18, as part of the government's tough restrictions on covid-19.

Negotiations are now underway for a "controlled" return to normal opening hours from next Sunday.

- There is no doubt that everyone is stomping and wants to get started again. We hope it can happen on May 10, but have not received any definitive message, says Finn Sture Madsen, manager of the Frederiksberg Center shopping mall in Copenhagen, to Danish TV2 Lorry.

Right-hand traffic applies

According to him, the trade is well prepared, with stricter procedures for hygiene and special rules for, among other things, right-hand traffic among shop florists. A special campaign under the slogan "Good distance your good style" has been developed, ie a call to keep a considerable distance to other customers.

See the interview with Finn Sture Madsen in an empty Danish shopping center.