Teller Report

Colombian government denied involvement in Venezuela's foiled coup attempt

5/3/2020, 11:20:38 PM

  Xinhua News Agency, Bogota, May 3 (Reporter Gao Chunyu) The Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press communiqué on the afternoon of the 3rd, saying that Colombia has nothing to do with the coup attempt of the neighboring Venezuela in the early morning.

  The communique said that the Colombian government denied the Venezuelan allegations and believed that the Venezuelan move was "to divert people's attention and cover up domestic conflicts."

  Venezuelan Minister of the Interior Reverol said on the 3rd that the Venezuelan military thwarted a coup attempt in the early hours of the day. A group of mercenaries from Colombia landed by speedboat off the coast of Guaira in northern Venezuela in an attempt to commit violence, create chaos, and initiate a coup. The Venezuelan security forces exchanged fire with terrorists, killed and arrested many people. He said that this coup attempt was related to imperialist attempts to overthrow the Venezuelan government's plan.

  Since last year, the United States has continued to exert extreme pressure on Venezuela economically, politically, diplomatically, and militaryly, and jointly with some Latin American countries, including Colombia, to pressure the current government to step down. On February 23, 2019, Venezuelan President Maduro announced that Venezuela severed diplomatic and political relations with Colombia.

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