Teller Report

Aeroflot Estimates Deadlines for Resuming International Air Link

5/3/2020, 9:23:33 PM

If the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection in Russia develops according to an optimistic scenario, the restoration of international communication may begin in mid-summer, Julia Spivakova, Aeroflot official spokeswoman, said on the Russia 24 television channel.

“It’s still difficult to name the exact flight dates, but if you look at optimistic forecasts, the restoration of international traffic may begin in mid-summer,” TASS quoted her as saying.

At the same time, the representative of Aeroflot stressed that the airline will continue to carry out enhanced disinfection of aircraft, while it will be necessary.

According to her, some precautions may continue after the pandemic.

“It is possible that in the future there will be recommendations and, perhaps, even requirements to observe a certain distance between passengers,” Spivakova said.

Earlier, the main owner, chairman of the board of directors of S7 Group, Vladislav Filev, expressed the opinion that international air traffic can resume no earlier than April 2021.

The head of the Infomost consulting agency, Boris Rybak, said in an interview with the NSN that if the coronavirus pandemic in Europe and Russia subsides by September and there will be no second wave of the disease, then some adaptation period will be required to resume international air traffic.