Teller Report

"Remote" job interviews for workers affected by the "Corona" procedure

5/3/2020, 10:38:49 PM

The virtual labor market, which works in partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, has enabled the owners of establishments and employers of the private sector to fill any job deficit, or raise the efficiency of employment at their facilities "remotely", by searching on the electronic platform of the market, for quads

The virtual labor market, which works in partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, has made it possible for owners of establishments and employers of the private sector to fill any job deficit, or raise the efficiency of employment at their facilities “remotely”, by searching on the electronic platform of the market, for cadres And the required job competencies from among the existing employment within the state, and choosing the most appropriate ones, provided that the job interviews are conducted "remotely" via video technology, between the employee and the employer.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation launched the virtual labor market, in implementation of Ministerial Resolution No. 279-2020, which comes in line with a series of preventive and preventive measures in the country to confront the emerging “Corona” virus (COFED-19), and out of its efforts to build a comprehensive system to protect workers ’rights, Ensuring the interests of employers, and providing alternative options for those affected by the outbreak of the virus.

According to the ministerial decision, establishments that have a surplus in the number of non-citizens authorized to work with them must register their data in the virtual labor market system, which the Ministry launched on an official website affiliated with it, to support the needs of the labor market in light of stopping recruitment from outside The state, and according to the need by other establishments, provided that the obligations of the employers towards these workers remain in terms of housing and fulfill all their entitlements (except for wages), until they leave the country or authorize them to work in another facility.

According to the official website of the virtual labor market, owners of employers and officials of private sector enterprises wishing to employ new workers during the period of suspension of recruitment from outside the state can search the available database of workers in the virtual labor market system and obtain an internal work permit through electronic systems To employ the employment of your choice, especially since the market site is designed to help establishments that have a surplus in the workforce, and to secure job opportunities for workers in the country affected by the precautionary measures of the emerging Corona virus.

The website specified four steps for registering establishments and companies in the virtual labor market, the first is to enter the required data and information about the company, the second is logging in, then placing a "commercial marking", and finally displaying the company's vacancies or searching for employment that suits their requirements.

The Virtual Labor Market website is also designed to help employment in the country affected by precautionary measures to reduce the Corona virus, which wishes to find employment opportunities, by registering on the website and applying for jobs offered by registered establishments, and consistent with their experiences And its qualifications, whereby employment can be used according to need through applying for one of the internal work permits provided by the ministry on electronic and smart systems, which include «a work permit to transfer to a new employer, a temporary work permit, a work permit for some time.

Localization partners

The monthly meeting of the Resettlement Club Club was held yesterday, remotely, in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Resources and Assistant Resettlement for the recruitment of national human resources, Farida Abdullah Al Ali, and the club's partners, to talk about the impact of the «Covid-19 virus» on preserving citizens and their working conditions not being affected . Al Ali provided, during the meeting, a detailed explanation of Ministerial Resolution No. 280 of 2020 regarding the formation of a committee to take into account the stability of citizens in the private sector, and also responded to all inquiries related to this matter. With the start of applying the precautionary measures to confront the spread of the virus, the Ministry took two main measures to support citizens working in the private sector, as it decided to form a committee to follow up the conditions of citizens working in companies, establishments and private institutions, and support their stability, and also laid plans to enhance the job security for citizenship workers in various economic sectors.


Steps to register facilities and companies in the virtual job market and display vacancies.

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