Teller Report

"Lixia" at 8:51 on the 5th: the greenery is everywhere, the wind is warm and the day is long

5/3/2020, 10:11:26 AM

  Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, May 3 (Reporter Zhou Runjian) "Suddenly shocked Xia Xiangming to stand up and fear that spring would be changed from here." "Chinese Astronomical Almanac" shows that at 8:51 on May 5, Beijing time, usher in 24 "Lixia" in solar terms is a turning point in astronomy to say goodbye to spring and welcome summer, marking the end of spring and the official start of summer. At this time, the greenery is everywhere, the wind is warm and the day is long, the new lotus in Hengtang, and the flowers and butterflies are busy.

  Luo Shuwei, a historian and a researcher at the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, said that "Lixia" is the seventh solar term in the twenty-four solar terms and the first solar term in summer. Every year around May 6th, when the sun reaches 45 degrees, it is called "Lixia".

  Although it is already "lixia" in astronomy, according to climatological standards, before and after "lixia", only some areas in the south of China entered the summer of "frogs everywhere in the grass pond", while most areas in the north were "everything red" "Zhong Dou Fang Fei" in Zhongchun and Twilight.

  At this time, the spring-sown crops gradually grew up, the summer harvest crops entered the late growth stage, the winter wheat was filled with flowers, and the rapes were close to maturity. The summer harvest crops were basically finalized. Therefore, our country attaches great importance to "Lixia" solar terms.

  After "Lixia", yang qi develops and yin qi subsides. People should adapt to this change and do well in their own health care. Li Yanling, director of the Department of Nutrition, the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that at this time, people's physical strength and energy consumption increase, and they are prone to sleepy. It is recommended to arrange a nap after lunch to calm the mind; , Avoid spicy, low-fat, low-salt, multi-vitamin, mainly light.