Teller Report

The revision of the lawsuit has a severe impact on Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood in the past year

5/2/2020, 2:35:49 PM

  China News Agency, Hong Kong, May 2 Question: The law-making case has had a severe impact on Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood in the past year

  China News Service reporter Zhang Xiaoxi

  The turmoil that occurred in June last year has caused a huge impact on Hong Kong's economy, affecting industries such as investment, catering, and retail. Not only has Hong Kong dropped its ranking and lost its crown in the rating reports issued by some organizations, but well-known stores have also closed. Store crisis.

  In August 2019, the research and consulting organization "The Economist Intelligence Unit" published the "2019 Global Urban Safety Index". Hong Kong's ranking fell out of the top ten, from the ninth place in 2017, to a 20th place. Some economists have analyzed that social stability and risk are the main considerations for international investors. The sudden drop in ranking is related to the violent impact of Hong Kong and affects the confidence of overseas investors and tourists.

  In September 2019, Fitch, an international rating agency, changed Hong Kong's credit rating from "AA +" to "AA", and changed its rating outlook from "stable" to "negative." This is the first time in 24 years that the agency has downgraded Hong Kong.

  In October last year, the cross-strait, Hong Kong and Macau Consumer Confidence Index was released in the third quarter of 2019. Hong Kong recorded 52.8, a year-on-year decrease of 37.3%. It fell to the lowest value since the index was released in the third quarter of 2008. All areas of consumption, investment and economic development lack confidence.

  On February 3 this year, the Hong Kong SAR Government announced that due to weak internal and external demand, Hong Kong ’s GDP in the fourth quarter of 2019 fell by 2.9% year-on-year in real terms, and the annual GDP of that year fell by 1.2% in real terms year-on-year. For the first time since 2009, there has been negative annual growth.

  On March 17th, in the 2020 "Economic Freedom Index" report released by the American Heritage Foundation, Hong Kong ranked second in the world among 180 economies with a total score of 89.1 points, losing its global laurel for the first time in 25 years. Due to the public security problems caused by social unrest in the second half of 2019, Hong Kong ’s rating on “Investment Freedom” fell sharply, which affected the overall score.

  In terms of education, the British "Times Higher Education Special Issue" announced on April 22 the rankings of university influence in 2020, and the rankings of many universities in Hong Kong fell. Among them, the University of Hong Kong, which ranked 10th in the overall ranking last year, fell to 41st this year, and it is the only university in Hong Kong ranked in the top 100.

  Hong Kong's food and beverage retail, tourism services and other industries are the epitome of the severely affected economy. Well-known shops have closed down, and vacant shops in the core business district have formed a series of rows. The deserted scene has not been seen in decades. As a spokesman of the Liaison Office of the CPC Central Committee pointed out, the "black violence" has brought ordinary people the sorrows of the cold stove, which is the culprit of the increasing "closure tide" and "unemployment tide".

  On March 3, Hong Kong's famous tourist landmark, the famous restaurant Jumbo Seafood, which embodies the memories of generations of Hong Kong, was temporarily closed, making Hong Kong people and tourists feel very disappointed. The 93-year-old Lotus Incense House in Central was announced in mid-March "Resurrection", just 10 days later closed the shop again; Hong Kong's well-known dessert brand Xu Liushan is also unable to escape the bad luck, because of the impact of repairs caused by the business storm, more than 10 of its Hong Kong stores have been closed due to rent arrears.

  The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Lin Zheng Yuee, posted on a social media platform on April 30 that Hong Kong is currently "defying" the epidemic, and may be able to "support" the economic winter, but is worried about the constant politics of "cannot afford" Torture and resurgence of violent torture.

  Just as the New Crown Pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has eased, on May 1 public holidays, further radical activists have launched illegal activities in many places in Hong Kong, harassing shops and throwing petrol bombs.

  In this regard, a spokesman for the Liaison Office of the Central People ’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Central Liaison Office) said on May 2 that the epidemic was on the verge, and all parts of the world were putting aside their differences to fight the epidemic. Only some radical activists in Hong Kong were heartbroken Inciting citizens to participate in violent activities, and even threatening to put bombs in public places, if they are allowed to do anything wrong, can Hong Kong have a future?

  The spokesman said that some opinion polls show that more than 70% of Hong Kong people are opposed to "speculation", and more than 80% of the people "expressed anxiety" about the future. They are worried that the "black storm" will recur after the epidemic has recovered. It can be said that restoring order and getting back on track is the mainstream public opinion in Hong Kong society. (Finish)

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