Teller Report

Space scientist Mats Larsson will release Jenny Fransson

5/2/2020, 6:32:43 AM

Jenny Fransson continues to claim that she is innocent of the doping crime for which she has been tested positive. Now her agent is coming forward. She is defended by physicist Mats Larsson, who has researched molecular formation in space. "I am absolutely convinced that she is innocent," he says.

On February 3, it was revealed that the reigning Olympic bronze medalist in wrestling, Jenny Fransson, tested positive for the anabolic steroid methyltestosterone.

Expressen now reveals that her agent is named Mats Larsson, who is a professor of molecular physics and for ten years chaired the Space Board's research committee and, among other things, research on molecular formation in space.

"Error in measurement"

He says he is certain that Fransson is innocent, and he has two different theories about how her doping test could be positive.

Theory 1: Measurement at the doping laboratory has been wrong.

- During the last few days I have gone through the laboratory report and there I feel quite convinced that on one of the metabolites, the laboratory has not met all of Wada's requirements, says Mats Larsson to Expressen.

Theory 2: Jenny Fransson has gained methyl testosterone by eating fish.

- I have a friend and colleague in Ukraine, a female chemist, who has started looking at various sources of steroids. And she has found Chinese articles that show that there may be synthetic steroids in fish and in water, among other things, says Larsson.

"Basis for a suspension"

Åke Andrén Sandberg is chairman of the National Sports Federation's doping commission. In the Express he addresses Mats Larsson's theory that there has been a mistake in the measurement at the doping laboratory:

- The laboratory manager has responded to it and according to him, everything has gone the way it should do, he says.

- We have submitted our evidence to the doping board, and of course we have done this because we believe that there are grounds for a suspension. Mats Larsson works as a representative and tries to find things that are wrong here. It is the court, ie the doping committee, that can decide whether or not to judge Jenny Fransson.

On May 26, it is time for oral hearing on the matter. The Doping Commission is seeking a four-year suspension, unless there is no reason for reduction.