Teller Report

Over 30% of Japanese companies in the United States have decreased sales by 50% or more in the past month

5/2/2020, 1:47:31 AM

[NHK] In the United States, where the spread of the new coronavirus is serious, the impact on Japanese companies is also expanding. More than 30% of all companies sell for the past month ...

Sales of 50% or more in the past month decreased by more than 30% of Japanese companies in the US 10:44 on May 2

In the United States, where the spread of the new coronavirus is serious, the impact on Japanese companies is also spreading. It was found that over 30% of the companies have reduced their sales for the past month by 50% or more.

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) conducted a survey on the effects of the spread of infection among Japanese companies operating in the United States from the 28th to the 30th of last month, and received responses from 954 companies.

According to this, 73.9% of the companies responded that the sales for the past month have decreased.

Furthermore, 33.4% of the companies responded that their sales decreased by more than 50%, with 50% of the companies in the Midwest, where many automobile-related companies are concentrated.

In addition, more than 80% of manufacturing companies responded that their production was interrupted or reduced, and the main reason is "decrease in domestic demand".

On top of that, the problems faced by these Japanese companies were the timing of business resumption, financing, uncertainties about the future of the economy, and the use of public support. It was said that there were worries about the care of employees, which was “very difficult to handle”.