Teller Report

Nothing was settled

5/2/2020, 10:05:43 PM

The final track format for the current season cannot be confirmed, despite the Football Association's latest and tentative decision to resume it in August. The truth is that the monitors put a lot of scenarios in order to bring the curtain down, because of the current pandemic that disrupted and froze football and sporting life.

The final track format for the current season cannot be confirmed, despite the Football Association's latest and tentative decision to resume it in August. The truth is that the monitors put a lot of scenarios in order to bring the curtain down on him, because of the current pandemic, which temporarily disrupted and froze football and sporting life, until its cloud and its demise from the world, which it considers one of the worst crises that passed on it.

Perhaps talking about this matter has become a preoccupation for those concerned and specialists, who see the epidemic from the point of view of the impact and the harm it caused, and made everyone a hostage of relief, and the solution that humanity expects in the coming days.

Because of that, the clubs were quick to communicate with each other to study the situation and set the expected options. Some are pushing for delay and posting the remaining confrontations until before next August, as the Football Association’s decision is not final, based on the assumptions that may provide the data to perform the frozen rounds. And completion of the proposed period in August, while the other seeks to solve the cancellation and end of the season for many reasons and factors, the most important of which is the prevailing trend in world leagues, which has begun to be officially revealed in some countries, which may foretell the countries to pursue and follow this path, as they share the causes and reasons for closure, where Likely Some put the hard option locally, of the abolition of football season, as a compromise to mitigate the damage and losses suffered by the difference by the salaries paid, and other benefits offered by the players and technical organs, without real payoff as a result of tournaments stopped.

It is not surprising if the clubs put their weight to push towards this direction, just as they will also press to end the season for several reasons, moving within the logic and interest areas, which may support her argument and request that the position master and the word separation be at the end of the scene, due to many considerations, the most important of which is the difficulty of resuming the activity After the clubs and their affiliates stop training and matches, which are the rib in which performance and giving are upright, just as they have physical and health repercussions on the players if the activity was resumed in that difficult climate period due to the high temperature and humidity. Because of this, the "Union" and "the League" are facing difficult options before deciding once and for all in the scene, making them sweeter without sugar, which will make them face the two sides in order to settle the controversy, which each party is holding on to its concealed position behind the veil of its interest.

On the other hand, the two sides continue to measure and evaluate the situation, and what is passed from time to time is only a test balloon to know the reaction of the clubs and the sports street, then test the pulse of the preferred direction, after which the details of the final decision will be built, because what was issued regarding the resumption of the season is tentative, and did not Settled in anything so far.

Twitter: @Yousif_alahmed

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The "Union" and the "League" are facing difficult choices before the final decision is taken on the scene.