Teller Report

Heart trouble for Tove Alexandersson: "Very boring"

5/2/2020, 8:24:00 AM

The orientation springs have been canceled due to the corona virus. The biggest star of them all, Swedish Tove Alexandersson, can't even train. This is due to an illness - which affected the heart. - Now I have been symptom-free for a couple of weeks but I have not started exercising again because I have done medical examinations which have shown that even the heart has been affected, she says.

Tove Alexandersson has dominated the orientation world in recent years. In 2019, she received the Bragdguldet after three World Cup golds of three possible, and at the Sports Gala in the Globe she was both awarded to the Female Athlete of the Year and received the Jerring Prize.

But lately it has not been as fun. Because of the corona pandemic, all camps and competitions are currently canceled, and she herself has been ill.

- I became ill at the end of March with high and quite prolonged fever as the main symptom. I'm not tested for covid-19, so I don't know if that's what I've had, but I've had some symptoms that could indicate it. Now I have been symptom free for a couple of weeks but I have not started exercising again because I have done medical examinations which have shown that even the heart has been affected, she says in a press release.

The World Cup is still the goal

The press release states that she will probably not be able to train until the middle of May, and then it will be a very cautious start.

- Right now I feel well and healthy and I do not feel any symptoms from the heart. But before I start training again, it needs to be ensured that the heart is fully recovered and that there is no risk of complications when I start training again, she says, and continues:

- My focus right now is on recovering the body. Then I look forward to starting training again and hopefully it will also be a competition season in 2020. Many competitions that I had as a goal during the season are already canceled, but hopefully the World Cup will be decided in Denmark in October, so that is my main goal and what I'm putting up the training for.

ARCHIVE: Alexandersson: "Right to postpone the World Cup" (April 1, 2020)

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Tove Alexandersson is training. Photo: Photo Agency