Teller Report

Australians are afraid of a "shock" when returning to work

5/2/2020, 10:08:39 PM

An occupational health psychologist said: “The sudden change from working at home to working in downtown offices may spark a cultural shock among Australian employees.” Families across Australia may soon have a relaxation of the restrictions, which have forced them to stay in their homes for

An occupational health psychologist said: "The sudden change from working at home to working in downtown offices may create a cultural shock among Australian employees."

Families across Australia may soon have a relaxation of the restrictions, which have forced them to stay in their homes for several weeks, to stop the spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19).

The Australian News Agency reported that the national government had a discussion the day before yesterday about easing anti-Corona virus measures in Australia. While many employees are prepared to return to their careers before the outbreak, others may experience shock due to this shift. "I think most people will enjoy going back to work on the social side, seeing colleagues again, going out of the house and being in the office again," said Paula Prog, professor of psychology at Griffith University. "But for some, this change may be difficult, and it may be a cultural shock." "Suddenly, you might find yourself in a big room, full of 20 or 30 people, maybe in a meeting or educational environment." Because you were alone so much, it may be more strange than it was before. "But this feeling will be gone."

The national government had a discussion on easing anti-Corona measures in Australia.

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