Teller Report

An international official praises Egypt's efforts to host the World Cup, despite the conditions of Corona

5/2/2020, 1:14:26 PM

Dr. Hassan Mustafa, President of the International Handball Federation, praised the efforts of the Egyptian state and the Egyptian Minister of Youth and Sports Dr. Ashraf Sobhi in completing all the construction of the World Handball World Cup 2021 despite the circumstances in which the world is going through exceptional measures to address the Corona virus.

Dr. Hassan Mustafa, President of the International Handball Federation, praised the efforts of the Egyptian state and the Egyptian Minister of Youth and Sports Dr. Ashraf Sobhi in completing all the construction of the World Handball World Cup 2021 despite the circumstances in which the world is going through exceptional measures to address the Corona virus.

Subhi visited Mustafa with the construction work currently underway in the covered hall in the Sixth of October City, and it is among the gyms that will host the World Handball Championship 2021.

The tour included inspecting the covered gym, the Egyptian Handball Federation headquarters, the African Handball Academy, and the Players Hotel, which includes nearly 40 rooms.

Subhi stressed that the covered gymnasium, which can accommodate 4,500 spectators, is an addition to the sports infrastructure, in addition to the covered hall in the administrative capital, Burj Al Arab, and the Cairo International Stadium Authority Hall, pointing out that Egypt has a number of sports facilities that qualify it to host major international sporting events in various the games.

Sobhi expressed his happiness at the size of the achievement that has been achieved at the present time, which has reached 80 percent, indicating that the ongoing work in the hall will be completely completed during the month of October.

For his part, the President of the International Handball Federation praised the construction and works currently underway at the hall covered by the sixth of October, especially as it comes in light of the efforts made by the Egyptian state in preparation for hosting the World Handball World Cup 2021, offering thanks and appreciation to the Minister of Youth and Sports, for his continuous follow-up to all covered halls hosting For the World Championship, and his great endeavor to complete all work according to the specified times with the implementing authorities.

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