Teller Report

Washington from here - [Original podcast] Deconfinement, the political battle

5/1/2020, 2:35:25 PM

In the United States, containment divides the country. While the American president has repeatedly called for the rapid recovery of the economy, thousands of Americans have demonstrated across the country…

[Original podcast] Deconfinement, the political battle

Audio 27:20

Demonstration against the prolongation of the confinement at the Capitol in Madison, April 24, 2020. REUTERS / Daniel Acker

By: French public radio stations | Anne Corpet Follow

In the United States, containment divides the country. While the President has repeatedly called for the rapid recovery of the economy, thousands of Americans have demonstrated across the country to demand deconfinement. Some governors have decided to reopen their state, a move criticized by many Democrats.


In this episode recorded since the Lincoln Memorial, correspondents of public French radio stations meet these protesters and decipher the progressive reopening of certain states. They also touch on Donald Trump's latest shocking release on the coronavirus.

And while they still work most of the time from home, the correspondents share at the end of the episode a piece of America that they miss.

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  • United States
  • Coronavirus
  • USA elections 2020