Teller Report

True-False .. Fasting is able to rid the body of toxins

5/1/2020, 10:09:22 PM

Many are the wrong eating and living habits that people practice during the holy month of Ramadan, because of incorrect information that was devoted and transmitted among them. These wrong practices may exacerbate the difficulties they face during fasting hours, and increase the chances of confusion in

Many are the wrong eating and living habits that people practice during the holy month of Ramadan, because of incorrect information that was devoted and transmitted among them. These wrong practices may exacerbate the difficulties they face during fasting hours, and increase the chances of gastrointestinal disorientation, headache or even weight gain. Correcting this information will change the diet and all the harm it causes.

The error

Some believe that fasting is enough to rid the body of toxins, as they believe that a 15-hour break in food is enough to give the body the comfort it needs to get rid of toxins without taking into account the important nutritional conditions that must be followed by fasting in the period after breakfast to achieve this goal.


Lama Al-Naeli, the health and nutrition specialist and the Welnas by Design Foundation, confirmed that the idea of ​​“fasting saves the body from toxins” is real, but that only happens with certain nutritional conditions, based on eating a healthy breakfast and light suhoor, and drinking lots of water in order to rid the body of Toxins. She noted that if you eat a lot of fat for breakfast and suhoor, there will be no opportunity to take the desired result from fasting, and fasting will not be an opportunity to get rid of toxins. Al-Naili pointed out that following a healthy diet is enough to get the body to take a real respite period, explaining that fasting for a month gives one a chance during the year to extract all the accumulated toxins from eating randomly. She said: "All scientific studies have proven that depriving the body of food for a period of 14 to 17 hours leads to stimulating vital organs to resume work again, and that fasting Ramadan is better than reverse fasting, or intermittent fasting that has emerged in recent times."

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