Teller Report

Hong Kong SAR Government sternly refutes foreign politicians' recent remarks about Hong Kong

5/1/2020, 1:50:25 PM

  China News Agency, Hong Kong, May 1 (Reporter Zhang Xiaoxi): Recently, some politicians from the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Parliament made allegations about the arrests and other security matters carried out by the Hong Kong police on April 18. On January 1, the allegations were groundless and seriously interfered in Hong Kong affairs. The SAR Government strongly opposed such extremely irresponsible and deeply regretful remarks.

  The spokesman pointed out that since the reunification, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has maintained prosperity and stability under the "one country, two systems" principle, and has strictly followed the "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law of the People's Republic of China" ("Basic Law") to implement "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy. Under the Basic Law, the people of Hong Kong enjoy extensive rights and freedoms. In addition to the Basic Law, human rights and freedoms in Hong Kong are also fully protected by the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance and other laws, and are more consolidated under an independent judicial system.

  The spokesman emphasized that the SAR Government has always respected and guaranteed human rights and freedoms, and any allegation that Hong Kong ’s human rights and freedoms have been eroded is groundless. The spokesman said: "We are therefore extremely resentful that individual foreign politicians have requested the SAR Government to withdraw the charges against the arrested persons. If we accept or be regarded as surrendering to these unreasonable demands, we not only violate fairness and professionalism, but also deviate The spirit of the rule of law is the core value of Hong Kong. "

  The spokesman also pointed out that the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (Hong Kong and Macao Office) and the Liaison Office of the Central People ’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China Liaison Office) have the power and responsibility to ensure that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region correctly implements the Basic Law and "One Country, Two Systems". The statement that the legitimate remarks of the Office and the Liaison Office constitute an intervention will only show their ignorance of the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the relationship between the Special Administrative Region and the Central Government.

  In response to this, Deng Jingcheng, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and the former chief of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Police Service, pointed out in an interview with the China News Service that the Hong Kong police ’s arrest is law enforcement and the criticism of foreign politicians is unfounded and completely unfair. Allegations and interventions. He believes that the Hong Kong SAR Government has refuted the relevant remarks. As a Hong Kong citizen, we must also have some understanding and concern about this, and understand the basis and ideas of the SAR Government.

  Zhu Jiajian, executive member of the Hong Kong General Association of the China Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association and a member of the National Hong Kong and Macao Studies Association, said that Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People ’s Republic of China. Hong Kong affairs are China ’s internal affairs, and foreign countries have no right to intervene or interfere.

  "Some countries have their own internal affairs in a mess. Why should they criticize Hong Kong?" Zhu Jiajian said, hoping that some foreign politicians can take back irresponsible remarks and stop talking about Hong Kong affairs.

  Huang Guo, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that the Hong Kong and Macao Office and the Central Liaison Office are the central agencies responsible for Hong Kong and Macao affairs. It is a matter of course for them to care about Hong Kong affairs. He emphasized that the Central People's Government has the right to speak out about the major issues of right and wrong that are related to national security and Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. Some foreign politicians have accused them of adopting unfair double standards. (Finish)