Teller Report

Actor Simonov commented on reports of the death of Yevgeny Fedorov

5/1/2020, 10:21:11 AM

Theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Simonov, in a conversation with RT, shared his memories of the oldest actor of the Theater named after Vakhtangov, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Evgeny Fedorov.

“Evgeny Fedorov is a real theater man. He loved him, took care of him, so he served in him for so long. He served in the Theater. Vakhtangov. I, in my opinion, was happy from this, from what is in such a great place. We took great care of him, appreciated him. In addition to theatrical works, he influenced the life of the theater, this is important. I’m very sorry, ”said Simonov.

Evgeny Fedorov died at the age of 96.

The team of the Theater. Vakhtangov expressed his condolences to the relatives of Fedorov and said that the farewell ceremony will be announced later.

Recently, the actor played in the performances “Smile to us, Lord” Kanovich (Rabbi Aviaser) and “The Last Moons” by Gordon and Miller (resident of the guesthouse).