Teller Report

The combined forces achieved victories in Al-Bayda and liberated 4 sites on the Qaniya front

4/30/2020, 10:05:54 PM

The joint forces and the local resistance in Al-Bayda Governorate achieved specific victories on the fronts of Makiras and Qaniyah at the expense of the Houthi militias, with the confrontations continuing on the fronts surrounding the capital, Sana'a, while the militias continued their violations of the armistice on the fronts of the West Coast.

The joint forces and the local resistance in Al-Bayda Governorate achieved qualitative victories on the fronts of Makiraras and Qaniyah at the expense of the Houthi militias, with the continuing confrontations on the fronts around the capital, Sanaa, while the militias continued their violations of the armistice on the fronts of the West Coast.

In the details, the Yemeni army forces backed by the local resistance, in the Qaniya front in Al-Bayda Governorate, central Yemen, achieved great victories yesterday, and imposed control over the strategic Al-Hama sites, the network sites, the Yisbel, and the Al-Yisbel point after battles with the Houthi militias, which continued until midday yesterday.

The sources stated that the confrontations left dead and wounded among the militias, and that the army and the resistance had diversified military equipment left by the militias in those locations, and sniper weapons, while a Houthi military vehicle was burned, indicating that the battles were continuing on the Qaniyah front, and that the two sides used various types of weapons.

On the Makirras Front, the joint and southern forces thwarted the development of sites for the Houthi militia on the outskirts of the strategic obstacle to Thara, with the aim of strengthening their positions in the burning area for days.

On the other hand, the leader of the General People's Congress, Yasser Al-Awadi, threatened to fight the Houthis in Al-Bayda Governorate due to the violations of the Houthi supervisors in the province, and gave the Houthis leadership three days to raise their "tyranny", according to his description.

Al-Awadi pointed out in a series of tweets on Twitter, that Al-Houthi supervisors in Al-Bayda “have struck and killed the symptoms, usurped the land, insulted its people, and demolished their homes. And Macaires, mines and the rest of the directorates ».

Al-Awadi called "all the sheikhs of Al-Bayda, its men and youth from all sides, for the high readiness from this moment."

On the fronts of the vicinity of Sana'a, Yemeni army forces responded to attacks by militias on their positions, in the Salb front in Nahham district, northeast of the capital, Sana'a, and suffered heavy losses, according to field sources, indicating that the militias pushed new reinforcements to the Nahham front, and another towards Sarwah Ma'rib and Al-Jawf.

In Marib, the militias acknowledged the killing of leaders in their ranks: the Houthi leader Yahya Hassan al-Mukhadhi, the Captain Rohullah al-Ghanmi, and the Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Ali Saleh al-Haduri, in the western Marib front, during the past two days.

In Al-Jawf, field sources confirmed the arrival of Houthi reinforcements to the Al-Jouf Junction and the eastern fronts of the city of Al-Hazm, the capital of the governorate, coming from Sana'a led by the Houthi leader Abu Ali Rassam, and the Houthi leader Abu Nabih Al-Naqeeb.

In Al Hudaydah, the Houthi militia continued to violate the UN armistice on the West Coast, and yesterday, yesterday, they targeted separate areas on Khamseen Street, the "July 7" area, and Al-Saleh City in Al-Hudaydah City, with various types of weapons intensively.

Militias also shelled the sites of the joint forces and residential neighborhoods in the city of Al-Tahita, and the areas of Al-Faza and Al-Jabaliya in the same district south of Al-Hodeidah, using various types of weapons, and the shelling came at the time of breakfast and Sahur.

In Hays, the neighborhoods of the district were bombed and targeted with heavy and medium weapons by the militia.

In the Al-Barh Front, west of Taiz, the joint forces continued their military operations in the Al-Barh Triangle - Al-Wazi'ah, the Rasyan Mountains, and Wadi al-Majsh, for the second day in a row, and were able to destroy Houthi reinforcements and mechanisms while they were moving towards the seam areas in the vicinity of the Al-Barah-Al-Waziyah Triangle.

- The joint and southern forces thwarted the development of sites for the Houthi militia on the outskirts of the strategic hurdles of Aqaba.

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