Teller Report

Russian Prime Minister Confirmed ... Participation in the European first quarter economic report card

4/30/2020, 11:08:31 PM

In Russia, where the number of patients has increased rapidly, Prime Minister Mikhail Miszteen was confirmed. In other European countries that resumed economic activity, there was a bleak prospect with a disastrous economic report card in the first quarter.


Prime Minister Mikhail Miszteen was confirmed in Russia, where the number of patients has increased rapidly. In other European countries that resumed economic activity, there was a bleak prospect with a disastrous economic report card in the first quarter.

This is reporter Jeong Hyun Jeong.


Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Miszteen announced the corona19 confirmation at a videoconference with President Putin.

[Mihail Michelin / Russian Prime Minister: I just found out that the coronavirus test was positive. Self-isolation and medical staff guidelines must be implemented in accordance with the rules of the health authorities.]

Mr. Misstin added that he would discuss major issues with the government and the president over the phone, and President Putin prayed with a quick look.

In recent years, the spread of corona19 is accelerating, with a cumulative number of 106,000 patients and 1,73 deaths in Russia.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was the first of its major leaders to be infected with Corona 19, said in a briefing after the recovery, the British corona 19 culminated.

He said he would come up with a comprehensive plan next week to restart economic activities suspended by various blockades.

However, the European economy hit by the Corona 19 direct hit is receiving a terrible report card.

Italy's GDP in the first quarter of this year fell 4.7% from the previous quarter.

France and Spain also had GOPs of -5.8% and -5.2% respectively in the first quarter.

Eurostat, the European Statistical Organization, announced that the economy in the first quarter of the eurozone contracted 3.8% from the previous quarter, and European Central Bank President Christine Lagard predicts that the eurozone economy may contract from 5% to up to 12% this year in the wake of Corona19. I did. 

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