Teller Report

Question mark (9): What do you do while waiting for the Savior?

4/30/2020, 6:18:47 PM


I met him the first time when I was participating in a summer conference at the Islamic Center in Munich, Germany, it was almost from 1985, he caught my eye spending the entire day in front of a table with a few papers calling on people to donate, his publications carry news about the crises of people in Africa and others, talking enthusiastically and extensively For every crisis he presents, and he makes a great effort to persuade his visitors to contribute any amount in their possession.

When I spoke to him, I knew that he was a doctor, and I was astonished by his initiative, and I was ashamed to tell him what to expect and the majority of students and workers attend, then what will these few German brands that collect from the participants do to solve the misfortunes of people that states have been unable to do? But I chose silence, as he seemed very excited.

Later, in many regions of my country that I have visited in practice, I have either met or heard that he passed through here, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Soviet republics, the Balkans, some countries in Africa.

Years pass, and that table that the doctor was standing in front of without embarrassment, grows into one of the largest relief institutions in the world, but rather a partner of the European Commission for Humanitarian Aid, spending millions of dollars on the areas afflicted and victims of wars and crises of the money it collects for this purpose.

The story of Dr. Hani Al-Banna with the Islamic Relief Organization, which he established with a group of his friends, until it became this huge edifice. It reminds me of the story of this lady born in Skopje, Macedonia. When I was thirty-seven years old, she wore a simple robe made of white cotton and embroidered in blue, and decided that She moves to reside in the shantytown of Calcutta, studying and working to help those in need.

One day, a woman struggling with death was found on her way to the sidewalk, working on her rescue, and then she took the opportunity to start a campaign to press the city authorities to get an old building to receive those on the deathbed and hospitals refused to receive them.

Her activities increased, she opened orphanages and centers for people with leprosy, people with mental illness, single mothers and AIDS patients. She started her activity in India, but her name began to spread to the world from the sixties, and her charitable work extended to all continents of the world, she is Mother Teresa, who won the Nobel Prize.


When society has a calamity or has experienced a stormy crisis, people are unequivocal in its dealings with the matter in stark contrast, there are those who enjoy watching without doing anything, they remain sitting like this, suck the lips, delegate their condition and the condition of the people, and regret what is going on, and there are those He is tempted to give advice and theorizing, so he tells others what they should do and what they should avoid without presenting him to something, and there are those who possess despair and frustration completely, and he is convinced that he cannot do what can be done, and during all this society can evoke the past and its glories, And to wake up his old heroes, get them out of their graves and files of history, and sing about what they did, and how He wants to say I'm not that bad.

On the whole, people surrender, they treat it as an inescapable fact, and wait for someone to save them from what saves them, who will defend the oppressed, chase the corrupt, restore rights, and achieve justice, that they wait for the strong leader, waiting for the Redeemer. 


Perhaps you heard about Abdullah bin Yassin, who is one of the Sheikhs of Al-Malikiyah in the city of Kairouan, in the middle of the fifth century AH called by the Sheikh of the tribe of the population of southern Mauritania to renew the Islam of his family, the man answered, but he was met with a strong rejection from the men of the tribe, and expelled the evil of the expelled.

The man did not surrender, but sent to two young men who had responded to him previously, these two young men sent to two who had also heard about the Sheikh, and the four were sent to those who thought they would respond to their call until the number reached twenty-five young men, and the sheikh's activity continued until the number reached one thousand Young men, distributed them about a hundred tents, as marabouts in defense of the call.

Then he decided to go into the desert, calling on people to what he believes in, penetrated Algeria, Niger and southern Senegal, and continued to advocate and move in more than eight African countries and ended up forming the Almoravid state, the one that ruled between the fifth and sixth centuries AH and extended its authority from the Atlas Mountains In the Maghreb to Mauritania, the Basin of the Senegal River, Lake Chad and Andalusia.

“We will not kill you, but we will drive you crazy, from now on, you are no longer prisoners, but prisoners, we will do what you want.” If you had watched the movie “The Twelve Years Night” by Alvaro Brechner, I would have heard this statement from the officer to Mojica and his companions. And he is arresting them there on the other side of the world in Uruguay.

Jose Mojica, a left-sided flower seller, is fighting a struggle for his people after the economic conditions in his country have deteriorated to a minimum, and there is widespread corruption and injustice, so if things get worse, and if a military coup takes place in 1973, and the man and his comrades are imprisoned, there are twelve years, exposed During the intolerable forms of torture, the military regime is toppled in 1980, released, continues his political struggle and becomes president in 2010.

The man insists on setting examples in adhering to the principles in the ease as he was in the hardship, waiving 90% of his salary, refuses to live in the presidential palace, resides in his country house with his wife without servants, drives his car himself in the streets of his country without guard, despite He was subjected to assassination attempts. 


What the desperate people do not realize is that Abdullah bin Yassin and Jose Mujica were very ordinary men, what they enjoyed from the same faculties that each of us enjoys in one way or another, but we do not want to admit that, because this costs us a lot, it costs us to fight, and we We do not want to fight, we want to remain desperate, despair is easier, it will not cost us anything, we will play the role of the victims to the fullest, and if someone talks to us about the will we will say that we save it for a better time, and we blind ourselves to the fact that the will is not spared, it spoils if it is preserved, It must be used, now, and immediately.

The loyal do not wait for anyone, do not wait for favorable conditions, and do not wait for a comprehensive solution, do you know what is a comprehensive solution? It is the solution that addresses all the crises that we are going through, i.e. a solution that brings down a gigantic and profound dictatorial regime and is replaced by another system, a solution that has full perceptions of what should happen next, a solution that has plans for development, a treatment for unity and ways to achieve justice without unfairness and not counting, to The last of these perceptions, if you mentioned to them any initiative that does not carry the magic of a comprehensive solution, they mocked it, diminished its importance, and said what do you do in the face of the calamity and the catastrophe we are experiencing.

Do you realize, gentlemen, the secret of the change industry? Did you know that the removal of a dictatorship, or the change of sick societies such as the removal of a molar, cannot be done in one fell swoop? Do as the doctor does, several attempts, shake him from here, and hit him from there until he takes it off.

Did the idea of ​​accumulation come to your mind instead of the idea of ​​a fatal blow? Do you have an idea for initiatives? Do something, anything, a thousand times better than sighing, cursing, and waiting for the Redeemer.

Be such a German who said, "Europe used to see pictures of shipwrecked immigrants and their shattered boats, but we do not, and that's why we will continue to save." After the crisis of refugees crossing into Europe in death boats worsened in recent years, Harald Huebner and a group of his companions decided To take it upon themselves is to save those tormented refugee lives, as long as all European governments have abandoned them.

In 2014 Harald and his companions founded C-Watch, a non-governmental, non-profit organization working to rescue migrants at sea, and they began to collect donations, purchase a decrepit boat, and then renew and use it in rescue operations. Since its founding until now, the organization has succeeded in mobilizing volunteers and saving the lives of thousands of migrants along the Mediterranean and its width, defying that embargo and restrictions imposed on them by some governments, they did not have a comprehensive solution, but they did not want to wait for it and wait for the Redeemer.


Do not reduce effort, do not make fun of an initiative, do not criticize anyone while you are sitting, do nothing, do not look down on work, do not search for a comprehensive solution, comprehensive solutions do not be born like this suddenly, comprehensive solutions are born small and dispersed until you meet and form salvation.


What do you do while waiting for the Savior?

Do not wait for anyone .. You are the Savior.