Teller Report

Probable link between inflammation in children and Covid-19

4/30/2020, 8:47:31 PM

According to the AP-HP, the twenty or so children and adolescents affected in Ile-de-France have all been in contact with the coronavirus, but a "direct causality" is not yet certain

A child receiving a serological test in Antibes to determine if she has been infected with the coronavirus (illustration). - Lionel Urman / Sipa USA / SIPA

The mystery is cleared up. The twenty children and adolescents affected in Ile-de-France by a serious inflammatory disease which causes concern had all been in contact with the new coronavirus, said Thursday medical officials, stressing despite everything that the causal link n was not established.

The alert left last weekend in England, with a report from the public health service reporting an increase in the number of children with symptoms resembling Kawasaki disease, a vascular syndrome whose cause remains indeterminate.

More than 20 cases in France

In the process, a small number of similar cases were mentioned in France, the United States, Spain or Belgium. Concerning France, "more than twenty children", aged 3 to 17, have been listed in Ile-de-France since April 15, said Dr Sylvain Renolleau, head of the intensive care unit at Necker Children's Hospital. sick, whereas in normal times there is less than one such case per month.

"These children have all been in contact with this virus (the new coronavirus) at one time or another," he said during a telephone press conference organized by the AP-HP. This contact has been proven either by a positive but "weak" virological test, therefore rather at the end of infection, or by a positive serological test (presence of antibodies), which also proves that they were contaminated in the preceding weeks, said the doctor. At first, the medical authorities of the various countries concerned had indicated that some patients were positive, others were not.

Damage to the heart muscle

Despite everything, "we don't have all the arguments of certainty to say that there is a direct causal link" between the new coronavirus and these unusual cases, added his colleague Damien Bonnet, head of the pediatric medical cardiology service. .

However, doctors have hypothesized that the onset of this inflammatory disease is similar to the cytokine storm described in adults, a runaway immune response that causes severe respiratory cases.

"In children, it is also an exaggerated inflammatory reaction, but which appears later, at the 3rd or 4th week and which is rather an attack of the heart muscle," estimated Professor Rémi Salomon, president of the medical commission establishment of the AP-HP.

The affected children first experienced several days of high fever and abdominal pain, sometimes with a rash, before developing heart and circulatory failure. Children hospitalized in Ile-de-France "have all evolved to date favorably in three or four days of intensive care," said Professor Renolleau. Some cases have also been listed in the provinces (Nancy, Reims, Chambéry, Lyon, Montpellier) but "in much smaller numbers", he said.


Coronavirus: A disease possibly linked to Covid-19 affects children in the United Kingdom and France

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