Teller Report

Perfect gifts are priceless .. This is what a woman expects after giving birth

4/30/2020, 6:38:43 PM

Ayat Jawdat

Usually, all the gifts that a newly born mother receives are for the child and not for her, either baby clothes or tools to help him. But what really makes a mother happy at such a time when she is tired and exhausted, that someone thinks about her and gives her a gift addressed to her person and her comfort.

The newly born woman suffers from boredom, especially if she is her first child, as she finds herself alone most of the time, especially if her husband works throughout the day, even if watching regular TV channels will not work with her.

Therefore, this matter can be used by gifting the mother to either books that are light and fun, so you can read them with half awareness and half interest and occupy their time at the same time, or an annual or semi-annual subscription to a platform of broadcast platforms to watch programs online, and in this way you can choose between a wide range of artworks Without limitation or advertisements.

One of the happiest gifts for mothers is helping to care for a baby (Pixels).

Personal care
in the first months after birth completely reverses the mother’s condition, suddenly she finds herself not a priority for anyone even herself, and pays all of her attention to the infant first and then the rest of the family and home affairs secondly, so buying a box of vitamins in order to keep the mother healthy Something the mother will not think of herself, or it may delay it until a time that does not come.

Also, after childbirth, the mother may need skin care kits from facial, hand and skin moisturizing creams in general. Applying the cream does not take time and she can apply it even during lactation, which cannot be applied with exfoliant or usual skin-cleaning masks. A variety of different nail polish colors can also be gifted to give her femininity a fresh look.

And perhaps in the first few months of birth, the mother will not be able to go to the beauty salon as it did before, so gifting her a facial hair removal machine without pain may be an ideal gift that you will need at this stage.

 Postpartum mother may need skin care groups (German)

Experience speaks
if you have had a maternity experience before, you know that there are many supplies that are sold in stores and electronic shopping sites, and despite their popularity and high prices, it is impractical, while there are many other practical products that will make things easier for the mother, and perhaps you will not know her Except a mother went through this stage.

Among these supplies is a flexible baby carrier, sometimes called a "kangaroo holder", which is a piece of cloth wrapped in a special way around the infant and the mother together so that she can carry it without occupying her hands, and may be replaced by other supplies that are cheaper and more useful.

On the other hand, a new mother may not pay attention to procreation while breastfeeding, although it is one of the important purposes that makes breastfeeding less painful, because it is intended for the mother to rest her arm on her while breastfeeding her baby, so her arm is not unnecessarily exhausted.

Home foods
There is another gift that you will not find in the market and is not promoted in advertisements, which is ready-made household foods, and most of what mothers need is reliable home food at its source, because the mother at first will not have enough energy to cook, and if she bought food from abroad it will never be as good Home food made by loving hands in a kitchenette.

As for the diapers and wet wipes for children "without alcohol", they seem ideal gifts that will please any mother and save her home budget, but be sure to buy safe brands of size and weight that are larger than the size of the current baby. If the baby is a week old, give the mother diapers for 3 months.

Diapers remain an ideal mothers' irreplaceable gift

Intensive care
There are some suggestions for gifts that the mother may benefit from, but it is a little expensive and takes the mother to a higher level of luxury. It is a home coffee machine, as this machine will be a long night companion with an infant who suffers from colic or teething.

As for the increased degree of relaxation of the mother, she can be given a rocking chair or an electric massage machine.

Personal touch
This gift may be the most expensive in all of the above and cannot be appreciated for money. The mother of the baby with few weeks suffers from constant exhaustion, she lives in a household chaos that she cannot control, and she does not sleep enough at all.

So attending personally to the home and being with the mother during this period is undoubtedly a pleasure for her, especially if you are one of the people she is comfortable with.

You do not have to have experience dealing with infants to help them, you can only carry the baby and sit next to him and leave the mother to bathe or have a rest.

You can even help with the siblings of the older child, or take care of the house, clean it and arrange it, and sit with the mother herself for a little period of time to make her feel safe and with companions.