Teller Report

No tension in resuscitation, few cases, the Alpes-Maritimes in orange

4/30/2020, 6:12:10 PM

The Ministry of Health presented the first deconfinement card, with another shade between red and green

At the Cannes hospital, April 9, 2020. - SYSPEO / SIPA

  • The deconfinement card, which will be reassessed every day until May 7, has classified the department of Alpes-Maritimes in orange.
  • Green for the number of new cases, the department changed to orange on the criterion of "hospital tension" despite resuscitation services not overheated.

The proximity to Italy had raised fears of even more dramatic figures. However, despite 196 deaths recorded until Thursday in hospitals and nursing homes, the Alpes-Maritimes department is not among the most affected by the epidemic of new coronavirus. Nor even within the Paca region, where the Bouches-du-Rhône (517) and the Var (204) pay a heavier price, in relation to their respective populations. The three finally appear in orange this Thursday evening on the first map presented by the government for deconfinement.

First global map of # deconfinement.
If a department is red in one of the two criteria, it is red overall. Next Thursday, there will be no more departments in orange, only green and red.

- Nicolas Berrod (@nicolasberrod) April 30, 2020

This surprise classification - Edouard Philippe having not mentioned this in-between, but only green or red lights during his speech on Tuesday - is doomed to evolve daily. Until freezing in green or red on May 7. It takes into account the first two criteria: the number of new cases in the population over the past few days and hospital capacity in intensive care. A third on the local test system will not be taken into account until the end of next week.

More cases from French clusters than from Italy

On the first criterion, that of the number of new cases, the light is green for the Alpes-Maritimes which "are on small numbers: 12 a day, 5 the next, 7 the third", explained this Thursday at 20 Minutes Roman Alexandre, the departmental delegate of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Paca, who recalls how the epidemic started locally. "On the studies of contact cases for our first patients who tested positive, we noticed that we had more connections with patients linked to the Mulhouse or Oise clusters than with those from Italy", notes he.

And according to projections compiled by the organization, "only" 3% of the people of the Azure have been contaminated. "But not necessarily immune. We still don't know, ”said the manager. In the Bouches-du-Rhône, this rate is around 3.5% whereas it would be more than 12% in Ile-de-France for example.

Better in resuscitation for two weeks

In fact, the hospital capacity of the Alpes-Maritimes department has never, for once, been in the red. It is however on this criterion that the department changed to orange. Out of a total of 167 resuscitation beds organized and available, a maximum of 67 have been occupied by Covid-19 patients so far in hospitals on the French Riviera, according to the head of the ARS. "And we have been on a continuous downward trend for about two weeks," he said. This Thursday, 47 patients were treated in its departments, against 64 on April 16.

With this data, the ARS is "working on recovery plans" for other activities in the establishments. "These devices will obviously be reversible if the number of cases increases again", specifies Romain Alexandre. On April 23, the Nice University Hospital was the first to announce that it was "reorganizing its care offer" in the face of a lull on the forehead of the coronavirus.

The situation will be frozen on May 7

This Thursday evening's orange light will be reassessed daily until May 7. “Until this date, the cards will be indicative. That of May 7 will freeze the situation to make decisions, before a reassessment after three weeks, ”says one on the side of the ARS Paca.

Our file on the Covid-19

Decision-making which will notably concern the reopening of schools. On this issue, in Nice, the municipality will also rely on a "local consultation" open until Saturday "with directors of public schools, parents of students but also with a local scientific council composed of infectious disease specialists from Lenval Hospital and Nice University Hospital ”announced Christian Estrosi.

  • Health
  • Deconfinement
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Nice