Teller Report

Morocco .. Corona deaths reach 170 cases and 4423 injuries

4/30/2020, 11:14:25 PM

The Moroccan Ministry of Health said, last night, that the number of new cases of coronavirus in Morocco rose 102 cases during the past twenty-four hours, bringing the total number of infected 4423 since the emergence of the disease. As for deaths, two new cases were registered, bringing the total deaths to 170

The Moroccan Ministry of Health said, last night, that the number of new cases of coronavirus in Morocco has risen 102 cases during the past twenty-four hours, bringing the total number of infected 4423 since the emergence of the disease.

As for deaths, two new cases were registered, bringing the total deaths to 170.

In its daily bulletin, the ministry said that Morocco has also registered 56 new cases of recovery, bringing the number of those recovering to 984.

The head of the Epidemiology and Diseases Directorate at the Ministry of Health, Muhammad al-Youbi, said that the death rate reached 3.84 percent, while the cure rate was 22.2 percent.

Morocco says it has taken proactive measures to prevent the spread of the disease and has taken stringent measures, including imposing a state of health emergency until May 20.

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