Teller Report

Mishustin will be placed under medical supervision in a medical facility

4/30/2020, 6:47:25 PM

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, infected with a coronavirus, will be treated in a medical facility under the supervision of doctors. This was announced by his press secretary Boris Belyakov.

“Mikhail Vladimirovich will be in one of the medical institutions. Under the supervision of doctors, ”RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

Belyakov emphasized that face-to-face communication with the prime minister “was as limited as possible a few weeks ago.”

“All meetings and meetings were held in the mode of video-conferencing or phone calls. Those who personally contacted the chairman will also be isolated and undergo additional testing, ”the spokesman told reporters.

On April 30, Mikhail Mishustin, at a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, in a video conference format, announced that he had contracted the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

He proposed the appointment of First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov as acting. The corresponding decree was signed by the president.