Teller Report

Ministry of Transport: Passenger traffic fell by more than 50% in the first quarter

4/30/2020, 3:29:53 AM

  China News Service, April 30th, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Transport Wu Chungeng said on April 30 that in the first quarter, the main indicators of transportation have all dropped sharply, and the passenger traffic has fallen off the cliff, with a drop of more than 50%. The completed passenger traffic volume was 1.85 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 58.4%. The passenger traffic of public transport in 36 central cities across the country was 6.74 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 56.7%. Freight volume has dropped significantly.

Data Map: On February 28, passengers wore masks to travel on the Shanghai Metro. China News Agency reporter Yin Liqin

  The Ministry of Communications held a press conference on April 30 to report on the economic operation of transportation and the operation of expressways in the first quarter.

  Wu Chungeng pointed out that in the first quarter, the operation of the transportation economy was subjected to the impact and test of the epidemic. The main indicators continued to recover after undergoing a substantial decline. The positive factors continued to increase. The adverse effects of the epidemic were gradually resolved. The normal track operation provides strong support and guarantee for the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Wu Chungeng also mentioned that this epidemic has brought unprecedented impact on China's economic and social development, but the fundamentals of China's long-term economic growth have not changed, and the momentum of strong demand for transportation has not changed. The development trend has not changed.

  Wu Chungeng introduced the huge impact of the epidemic on transportation with three keywords:

  The first keyword is "decline". The main indicators of transportation have all dropped sharply, and the passenger traffic has fallen off a cliff, with a drop of more than 50%. In the first quarter, 1.85 billion passengers completed business operations, a year-on-year decrease of 58.4%. The passenger traffic of public transport in 36 central cities across the country was 6.74 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 56.7%. Freight volume has dropped significantly. In the first quarter, the operating freight volume completed was 7.82 billion tons, a year-on-year decrease of 18.4%, and port cargo throughput and container throughput also declined year-on-year. However, the volume of railway freight and the business of the express delivery industry grew against the trend, with growth rates of 1.8% and 3.2%, respectively. The scale of transportation investment has dropped significantly. In the first quarter, the fixed asset investment in transportation was 379.2 billion yuan, down 22.5% year-on-year, of which 58% fell in February.

  The second keyword is "loss". It is mainly because the transportation companies generally face losses this year, and the railway passenger transport business has been seriously affected. More than 90% of the road transport companies are in a loss state. Most water transport operators have ship suspensions. Passenger transport companies, small and medium-sized shipping companies and other operations are also facing With multiple difficulties. Civil aviation companies suffered a total loss of 24.59 billion yuan in February, setting a new monthly loss record. Drivers and other key groups have significantly increased employment and living pressures.

  The third key word is "severe". Mainly, the international transportation environment tends to be severe. With the spread of the global epidemic, "prevention of imports" has become a common policy orientation of all countries, and transportation control measures continue to increase. Demand for international shipping has declined, air freight capacity has tended to be tight, and international mail express capacity is insufficient. Therefore, it is significantly more difficult to maintain the normal operation of the international logistics supply chain.

  At the same time, Wu Chungeng also pointed out that the effects of policy measures have been continuously released, and the transportation economy has recovered rapidly.

  One is the precise prevention and control of epidemic situation in different areas. We will do our best to ensure epidemic prevention and control, emergency supplies, transportation of key production and living materials, support key areas to do well in epidemic prevention and control, strictly prevent overseas epidemic outbreaks, and firmly block the spread of cross-infection through passenger transport stations and transportation vehicles .

  The second is to accelerate the resumption of transportation and production. Go all out to ensure smooth communication, and actively serve upstream and downstream to coordinate resumption of work. According to relevant statistics, the average daily traffic volume of the national highways and the average daily volume of ships entering the port in March increased by 164.1% and 116.6% respectively from February. "Point-to-point, one-stop" organization of migrant workers' return transportation. Some measures such as simplifying the approval of cargo flights and "point-to-point" cargo charter flights were adopted to improve the capacity of international air cargo. The volume of international cargo flights in the last week of March increased by 17.9% compared with the previous outbreak.

  The third is to strive to expand effective transportation investment. Some transportation projects have been promoted in an orderly manner as soon as possible. The resumption rate of 625 key transportation construction projects has exceeded 97%. In conjunction with relevant departments, the vehicle purchase tax was issued in advance, with a budget of more than 250 billion yuan, 165 new road and waterway projects started, and a total investment of 264.9 billion yuan. At the same time, it organized local governments to start some construction projects in advance in line with the national strategy and the direction of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

  The fourth is to push forward the three major battles. In terms of poverty alleviation, in the first quarter, poverty-stricken areas completed 111.2 billion yuan in fixed assets investment in highways and waterways, accounting for 38.7% of the country's total; qualified townships and established villages also have 99.9% passenger and bus rates. In terms of transportation structure adjustment, the freight volume of railways and waterways in the first quarter accounted for 13.2% and 19.1% of operating freight volume, respectively, an increase of 2.6 percentage points and 0.7 percentage points year-on-year. In terms of preventing and mitigating debt risks, the toll road exemption policy was implemented, and measures such as extending the toll period and adjusting interest payment arrangements to alleviate the difficulties of highway traffic debt.

  Fifth, it will effectively reduce the operating burden of market entities. On highways, toll road vehicles are exempted. In terms of waterway, efforts are made to reduce the burden on cargo owners. Guide large-scale port and shipping companies to reduce or exempt self-priced warehouse charges and demurrage fees. Implement a series of policies issued by the state, strive to help transportation enterprises, and ensure that key groups such as truck drivers and taxi drivers can survive the difficulties.

  Wu Chungeng said that since March, the main indicators of transportation have been continuously rising, the effects of supporting policy measures have gradually emerged, and the positive factors for the economic operation of the industry have continued to increase. Among the main indicators, freight and investment recovery speeds are significantly faster than passenger transport, railway performance is particularly prominent, the impact of the epidemic gradually reduced, the transportation economy has recovered rapidly, press the "fast forward button" and be a "first mover".

  First, about 90% of the freight and investment fields have been restored in March. The investment in fixed assets of transportation was 202.6 billion yuan, returning to 93.3% in the same period last year, an increase of 53.3 percentage points from February. The operational freight volume was 3.26 billion tons, which returned to 87.0% in the same period last year, an increase of 16.9 percentage points. The port's cargo throughput reached 1.08 billion tons, returning to 97.8% in the same period last year, an increase of 6.6 percentage points. Container throughput reached 20.4 million TEUs, reverting to 95.2% in the same period last year, an increase of 12.6 percentage points.

  Second, some transportation indicators in March increased compared with the same period last year. In March, China-Europe trains opened a total of 809 trains, setting a record for the number of trains opened in a single month, a year-on-year increase of 30%. The traffic volume of expressway network is 920 million, an increase of 10.1%. The total freight volume of civil aviation cargo aircraft was 253,000 tons, an increase of 28.4%. The volume of express delivery business was 5.98 billion pieces, an increase of 23.0%.

  The third is that business passenger transport in March gradually came out of the trough. Operating passenger traffic volume reached 390 million, an increase of 106.9% from February. The average daily traffic volume of provincial passenger cars increased by 78.4% compared with February. The passenger traffic of public transport in the central city was 1.81 billion, which was doubled from February to 32.9% in the same period last year. The number of self-driving trips has increased, and the average daily traffic of provincial minibuses has increased by 78.4% from February.

  Wu Chungeng pointed out that since April, as the resumption of production and production has been further accelerated, the degree of recovery of the main indicators of transportation economic operations has continued to increase, the adverse effects of the epidemic situation are gradually being resolved, and the industry is accelerating its normal operation. In the next step, the Ministry of Communications will firmly grasp the overall tone of steady progress, actively make progress on the basis of stability, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of the mission, pay close attention to the detailed work, and strive to complete the annual goals and tasks, and better serve. " The work of "six stability" and "six guarantees" should be taken first in order to ensure the completion of the decisive battle and the goal of getting rid of poverty, and building a well-off society in an all-round way.