Teller Report

Metoo-Gestapo came and followed

4/30/2020, 11:35:31 AM

“It is no coincidence that I mentioned the position of the local media, which almost everyone has left the closet since 2016 and occupy an unambiguous party position. Because they have been trying so long and with relish to hang on Trump and harassment (based on one manly phrase on the phone), and adultery, and anything else. Soaked like a machine gun. But as soon as it came to real accusations against the adversary Trump (that is, “his”), they began to merge. And it’s so obvious, so obvious that it leaves no doubt about the deep hypocrisy and unrighteousness of American journalism as a whole. ”

Adult uncles warned that someday # metoo-Gestapo would come for them. But they were so confident in their good faces that in every possible way they supported any nonsense poured by activists on the heads of other adult uncles. Because accusations of harassment from the very beginning had the most powerful potential in the political struggle.

Indeed - finally the victims of sexual pressure, assault and blackmail, deprived of their voice for many years, now have received a huge megaphone at their full disposal. The funniest thing at first was that not a single plumber was hurt in the process. For some reason, charges were brought against millionaires, producers, directors, musicians - all with solid money. Coincidence? Of course!

Some girls like Rosie McGowan already went into two circles when they spent on cocaine received from the "offender" for the first time. Weinstein’s demonstrative flogging was so lucrative that he wasn’t saved even by making huge donations to the box office of the Democratic Party and personally to Hillary Clinton. Here's someone, and the Clinton family would generally keep silent about the harassment in a rag.

But long before Weinstein was turned into a prison invalid, the perky #metoo became a tool in the political struggle. Her highlight is the appointment of Republican Cavanaugh as a judge of the Supreme Court. When the Democrats realized that this place wasn’t shining for them, they turned on a specially trained girl of about 60, who suddenly remembered how a lascivious Cavanaugh once thrust her onto a bed at a student party. And although she herself claimed that she was then drunk to a loss of memory and not a single witness could even remember such a thing, and Cavanaugh generally claimed that he was not at that party, the democratic press arranged all this jazz. “If a girl speaks, then so it is. There is no presumption of innocence. A Republican man means guilty ”- and so on. But the stakes were so high that this time, instead of reprisal against the accused without trial or investigation, both the investigation and the trial took place and it turned out (surprise!): All the charges were a lie. This slightly suspended the ideology and practice of #metoo by its feet in the void, the shameful cases of exposed lies such as the case of Kevin Spacey and so on began.

But the biggest problem of the democratic party public, which is a natural ally and breeding ground of this #metoo itself, is that for a long time it believed that this movement would bypass it. Still class close - well, like, like in the Gulag. You can chatter as much as you like from any stands, which feminist you are and how you are for all this movement. But there is a wonderful rule: whoever loudly declares today the support of all this bulldozer that goes over the heads of white wealthy men will most likely burn in a month like a harasser, or even just a pedophile and other pervert.

So it is not surprising that Joe Biden flew in April, who, from the Democrats side, painfully moved close to the top in the presidential campaign race - 2020.

Former intern (Monica Lewinsky used to be in exactly the same position) Biden, a lady named Tara Reid, voiced the fact that the current presidential candidate completely vilely harassed her in the office in 1993. A number of publications have been published on this subject, including in NYT.

At that time, NYT even conducted their own investigation, which concluded that there were no arguments for Tara’s statement, but there was nothing to speak out against. Biden’s PR people clung to this and launched a campaign “even NYT claims to be false accusations.” What NYT was very offended by Biden and his team, accusing him of distorting. And here the witnesses pulled themselves up, moreover, serious ones.

Firstly, because in 1993 she didn’t keep quiet, in contrast to the half-century-old prescriptions that were suddenly fallen upon by stories. There were witnesses to her drama and how she was fired quickly when she began to speak too loudly. Moreover, there was a recording of a transfer call to Larry King, where a certain woman who (allegedly Tara’s mother) tells how terribly a senator did with her daughter.

It is no coincidence that I mentioned the position of the local media, which almost everyone has left the closet since 2016 and have taken an unequivocal party position. Because they have been trying so long and with relish to hang on Trump and harassment (based on one manly phrase on the phone), and adultery, and anything else. Soaked like a machine gun. But as soon as it came to real accusations against the adversary Trump (that is, “his”), they began to merge. Moreover, it is so obvious, so obvious that it leaves no doubt about the profound hypocrisy and unrighteousness of American journalism as a whole.

Well, in general, Biden is burning up. Already the accusations cannot simply be released. Naturally, his team and sympathetic Democrats found an original line of defense: "This is a politically charged charge." Wow guys, really? Are you really surprised? Or just thought, what will carry? Not carried.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.