Teller Report

Hellfest masks tear off (almost) as fast as tickets

4/30/2020, 10:57:10 AM

In less than a day, nearly 10,000 barrier masks in festival colors were sold

Hellfest sells barrier masks for the benefit of Nantes University Hospital - Hellfest

  • Hellfest has launched its collection of barrier masks in festival colors.
  • The profits from sales, which are off to a good start, will be donated to the Nantes CHU endowment fund.

Remember, the 3-day passes for the 2020 edition, canceled since, had passed in less than two hours. This time, it took a little less than a day for the 10,000 masks sold secretly on the Hellfest website to be out of stock. While the extreme music festival already offered a wide range of derivative products, these lots of three barrier masks (in black, blue and burgundy fabric), sold for 15 euros per pack, caught the eye of the fans.

After this raid, a second order for 3,300 lots has just been placed. “We are already considering a third series because it starts very quickly, reacts Eric Perrin, the communication manager of the festival. It was unclear how they were going to be greeted, even if the demand came from fans initially. But we were surprised at the success. The masks, Afnor standards, are manufactured and printed in Italy, "from a supplier able to place such an order and within a reasonable time". A T-shirt with the "Hellfest For Health" logo was also created for the occasion, sold at a price of 22 euros.

Profits donated to Nantes University Hospital

According to the Hellfest team, all the profits from the sale will be donated to the support fund for the Nantes University Hospital. Or almost 50,000 euros which will be added to the more than 75,000 euros already collected by the festival, thanks to a call for donations launched online at the start of the Covid-19 epidemic. The Hellfest, whose 2021 edition will take place from June 18 to 20, 2021 in Clisson, had indicated that it had contributed 20,000 euros to the prize pool.


Coronavirus: "Fuck You", the angry message sent by Hellfest to its insurance company


Coronavirus in Nantes: “If you wear a mask, do it well! ", The nice and useful video of the CHU

  • Covid 19
  • Confinement
  • Coronavirus
  • Hellfest
  • Nantes
  • Culture