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The first batch of projects settled in Hubei Yichang Comprehensive Protection Area helped the economy recover after the "epidemic"

4/29/2020, 10:59:36 AM

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The first batch of projects in Hubei Yichang Comprehensive Protection Area settled to help the economy recover after the "epidemic"

  China News Service, Yichang, April 29 (Dong Xiaobin, Li Ronghua) The first batch of projects in Yichang Comprehensive Bonded Zone was held on the 29th in the Yichang area of ​​China (Hubei) Free Trade Pilot Zone. Zhou Ji, member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Yichang Municipal Committee, is the settled enterprise Issue the "key" for admission. "Today, the first batch of 15 projects officially entered the park, and it will surely inject" heart-bearing agents "into the city's post-epidemic recovery and export-oriented economic development." Said Zhang Jiasheng, deputy secretary and mayor of Yichang Municipal Party Committee.

  A total of 15 projects have officially entered the Yichang Comprehensive Bonded Zone, involving a variety of new formats, including 11 bonded processing projects, 1 bonded research and development project, and 3 bonded service projects. A total of 150,000 square meters of standard factory buildings were used. Sales reached 10.2 billion yuan, and imports and exports amounted to 1 billion US dollars.

The settled enterprise installs ventilation equipment in the plant

  Among the first batch of settled enterprises, the products led by Angel Yeast Co., Ltd. have been exported to 155 countries and regions in the world, the export revenue accounted for 1/3, and the market share in 15 countries ranks first, and Egypt has been built successively. , Russia's two overseas production bases have been operating steadily and have achieved good results.

  The chairman of Angel Yeast Co., Ltd. Xiong Tao said that the company will strive to promote the integration of the manufacturing and service industries by cultivating and developing new trade and service formats, and further promote the process of internationalization. The operating income will reach 100 by 2021. RMB 100 million and the “14th Five-Year Plan” operating income laid the foundation for achieving RMB 15 billion.

  Yichang is an important node city in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The Yichang Comprehensive Bonded Zone was established with the approval of the State Council on January 9 this year. It is the first comprehensive protection zone outside of Wuhan City in Hubei Province. The project construction of the comprehensive protection zone has completed 90% of the total engineering volume, of which the main works of 400,000 square meters of standard factory buildings, the podium of the comprehensive protection service building, the inspection warehouse and bayonet have been completed.

  Wang Yuancheng, deputy mayor of Yichang, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Yichang High-tech Zone, and director of the management committee, said that Yichang Comprehensive Bonded Zone has 30 projects reserved, with a total investment of 8.4 billion yuan, and plans to use a plant area of ​​300,000 square meters. Next, the Yichang Free Trade Zone Management Committee will refine and consolidate the various tasks of the customs operation in accordance with the objectives of “complete construction tasks at the end of July and apply for pre-acceptance, accept pre-acceptance at the end of September, and pass formal acceptance at the end of October”. Make sure to pass the acceptance and seal operation as scheduled. (Finish)